Friday, November 29, 2013


Take as much time as necessary for the Following:
1. Establish a 1RM Snatch
2. Establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk


A. 4 Rounds
4 Back Squats @ 80% 1 RM
Max Effort push-ups
*No rest between BS and PU; Rest 90 seconds between rounds

B. For time:
100 Pull-ups
50 Burpees
25 Power Cleans 165#/115#
12 Front rack lunges (each leg) 165#/115#

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Gymnastics: 2 options
A. EMOM for 5 Minutes: 2-4 Muscle-ups  
B. Practice Muscle-up Progressions with specific focus on kip

Skill: *Goal is for weights to be challenging, but do not sacrifice technique
A. 3 x 1 Squat Clean (working towards a heavy single)
B. 2 x 1 Squat Clean from the high hang (hip pockets, I would recommend decreasing the weight from the full squat clean)
C. 3 x 2 Clean Pull (from the floor, 90%+ of Clean 1RM; meant to be explosive and fast; once the velocity starts to slow do not add more weight)

WOD: Short, Fat Fran 12-9-6
Thrusters 135#/95#
Strict Pull-ups

Core:3 Rounds NFT
Max Effort L-sit Hold
15 Hollow Rocks

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


1. Active Recovery: 

A. Not For Time (NFT): 3 Rounds
15 sit-ups
15 Good mornings
15 KB Swings
15 Bench Press
15 Pull-ups
*This is not a WOD, seriously, use LIGHT weight!!! 

B. 2k Row (NFT!)

2. Mobility: 30 Minutes- 1 hour prioritizing trouble spots

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Skill 2: 5 x 2 Split Jerk
*Goal is for weights to be challenging, but do not sacrifice technique

Strength: Deficit Deadlifts 4 x 5 
* Bar rests on ground, you stand on either 25# or 45# plates which will increase the range of motion we are working. 5-10# heavier than last week

Speed: EMOM for 8 Minutes
Shuttle Sprint (5 m down/back + 10 m down/back)

WOD: 6 Rounds (compare to 9/27)*
A. 30 seconds Max Ring Dips
30 seconds Rest

B. 30 seconds Max Shoulder-to-Overhead 145#/105# 
30 Seconds Rest 

C. 30 Seconds Max Cal Airdyne
30 Seconds Rest


Skill: *We will push for a 1RM on Saturday, so here you should still emphasize technique
A. 3 x 1 Squat Snatch (working towards a heavy single)
B. 2 x 1 Squat Snatch from the high hang (hip pockets, I would recommend decreasing the weight from the full squat snatch)
C. 3 x 2 Snatch Pull (from the floor, 90%+ of Snatch 1RM; meant to be explosive and fast; once the velocity starts to slow do not add more weight)

Strength: Alternating EMOM for 10 Minutes
Odd: 2 OHS
Even: 5 Supine Ring Rows (place feet on box; tempo = 023. 2 second hold at top, 3 second controlled descent)

WOD: Isabelle 
30 Power Snatches 135#/95#

Core: 3 Rounds, NFT (not for time):
10 dragonflies
10 Hollow Rocks
10 K2E

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Split Jerk Advice:

Skill 1: 15 Minutes to find a 2 Rep Snatch
*This might be a PR, it might not. Depends on how you are feeling, and do not sacrifice technique for weight

Skill 2: 15 Minutes to find a 3 Rep Heavy Clean & Jerk
*This means perform a C & J then immediately do another, if you drop the bar do not rest more than 3-5 seconds before next rep

**For the two skill segments, same approach as last week. DO NOT go over the 15 minutes, spend 5 minutes warming up then start the clock. 

Strength: EMOM for 10 Minutes
3 Front Squats (Moderate weight, this isn't to hit a 3RM)

WOD: With a Partner

A. Ascending Ladder (1-10)
Squat Snatch 115#/75#
Deficit HSPU 2 x 45#/2 x 25#
*one partner works, the other rests
**Each partner must do each rep scheme. So, Partner A does 1/1 then Partner B does 1/1. Then, Partner B does 2/2 while partner B rests, etc. 
*** Especially with the lower reps, emphasize transition time, A.K.A., the time between when Partner A and Partner B are working

Rest approximately half the time it took you to complete A

B. 10 Rounds
20 calorie airdyne
4 front rack walking lunges (total) 165#/115#
*5 rounds per partner, one works while the other rests



Gymnastics 1: 2 Rounds
10 Dips or 4 Muscle-ups
5 Front Levers
5 Back Levers

Gymnastics 2: Alternating EMOM for 10 Minutes:
Odd: 5 strict Weighted Pull-ups (compare to last week)
Even: Max Strict HSPU + 3 Kipping HSPU

Gymnastics 3: Tabata pistols

70-80% WOD: 

4 Rounds
5 Burpees (no wasted steps)
5 C2B (Mod: Chin-over)
5 Wallballs 20#/14#
5 KB Snatches (5 each arm) 53#/35#

Rest 3 Minutes

3 Rounds:
10 Air Squats (focus on your movement)
10 T2B
10 Box Jumps 24"/20"
10 Shoulder-to-Overhead 115#/75#
* Like the title says, go 70-80%! I don't care about your time, I care about the quality of your movement and your virtuosity. You don't always get better by killing yourself, you improve by moving more efficiently and understanding what proper movement and positioning feel like. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Gymnastics: 3 Rounds
3 Skin the cats into Max L-hang
5 False Grip Pull-ups
30 Second HS Hold (against wall)

Skill: *Goal is for weight to be challenging, but do not sacrifice technique
A. 3 x 2 Clean
B. 2 x 2 Clean from the hang
C. 3 x 2 Clean High Pull (from the floor pulling to about chest height, once the bar does not get that high don't add more weight; meant to be explosive and fast)

WOD: 400 M Falloffs
**Pick a fast pace, not a sprint, to maintain for as many 400s as remain within 5 seconds of your first time. For example, if you run a 60 second 400m your target should be in the 75-80 second range
**Regardless of splits, minimum 4 x 400
*** 1:1 work/rest)

Core: NFT
15 Toes-to-rings (TTR)
Max L-sit
10 Dragon Levers
Max Plank 45#/25#
15 TTR
Max L-hold (hanging from bar)
10 Dragon Levers


1. Active Recovery: Try something a little different

A. Not For Time (NFT): 3 Rounds
15 sit-ups
15 Good mornings
15 KB Swings
15 Bench Press
15 Pull-ups
*This is not a WOD, seriously, use LIGHT weight!!! Seriously! (I intentionally used seriously twice to stress the importance of my seriousness)

B. 2k Row (NFT!)

2. Watch some videos from the YouTube Channel: CFProjectMayhem

3. Mobility: 30 Minutes- 1 hour prioritizing trouble spots

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Skill 1: Find your Max Height Box Jump

Skill 2: 5 x 2 Split Jerk
*Goal is for weights to be challenging, but do not sacrifice technique

Strength: Deficit Deadlifts 4 x 5 
* Bar rests on ground, you stand on either 25# or 45# plates which will increase the range of motion we are working. You will not be going heavier on this than you did last week. I would recommend dropping to the weigth we used 3-4 weeks ago. Again, emphasis is on technique!

WOD 1: 'Diane' 21-15-9
Deadlift 225#/155#

Rest a minimum of 10 minutes 

WOD #2: Not For Time, complete in AS FEW SETS AS POSSIBLE
20 Clean & Jerks (Guys: 140#-175#, Girls: 90#-120#)
* Be honest with yourself, I have given you the range in which to choose. Use the weight you think would be most beneficial. As a guideline for choosing weight, I advise to target 5-8 reps unbroken.
**Take as much time as necessary between sets
***You can obviously scale down if necessary



Skill: *Goal is for weights to be challenging, but do not sacrifice technique
A. 3 x 2 Squat Snatch
B. 2 x 2 Squat Snatch from the hang (right above the knee)
C. 3 x 2 Snatch High Pull (from the floor pulling to about chest height, once the bar does not get that high don't add more weight; meant to be explosive and fast)

Strength: Alternating Every 90 seconds for 12 Minutes
Odd: 3 OHS
Even: 5 Pendlay Rows (1 second pause at top)

A. 2 Minutes Max Effort Double Unders

B. Beginning at the 3 minute mark, 3 Rounds:
1 Minute Max Effort Thrusters 45#/35#
30 seconds rest
1 Minute Max Effort KB Swings 70#/53#
30 second rest
1 Minute Max Effort Burpee over-the-box-jumps 24"/20"
30 seconds rest

C. Rest 1 Minute, then: 2 Minutes Max Effort Double Unders

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Skill 1: 15 Minutes to find a 3 Rep Snatch
*This might be a PR, it might not. Depends on how you are feeling, and do not sacrifice technique for weight

Skill 2: 15 Minutes to find a 2 Rep Heavy Clean & Jerk
*This means perform a C & J then immediately do another, ideally you will not put the bar down between the two

**For the two 15 Minute segments, DO NOT go over the 15 minutes, spend 5 minutes warming up then start the clock. This is to get you used to having to work under a time constraint and mirror competition. Yes, it might not be as heavy as you could go with more time or rest but that is not the goal. 


A. 5 Rounds
4 Front Squats @ 80% 1 RM
Max Effort pull-ups 
*No rest between FS and PU; Rest 90 seconds between rounds

Rest 10 Minutes, then:

B. With a Partner Complete:
*One person working at a time, can break it up however you want but must be completed in order listed
60 Pistols
10 Tire Flips
50 Thrusters 135#/95#
20 Rope Climbs 
40 Wall Walks (mental challenge, grind it out)
30 Power Snatches 135#/95#

Then, immediately 50 (total steps) OH Lunges 95#/65#
*Yes, your shoulders are going to burn and its going to really suck but finish strong


Gymnastics 1: 10 Minutes working on Handstand Holds, Freestanding HSPU, and HS Walks

Gymnastics 2: Alternating EMOM for 10 Minutes:
Odd: 5 Strict Weighted Pull-ups
Even: Max Strict HSPU + 3 Kipping HSPU

Gymnastics 3: 3 x Max Effort Isometric Pull-up hold (if you want an even greater challenge, start with your chest in contact with the bar; rest 60-90 seconds between attempts)

Skill: 5 x 3 Snatch Balance (compare to 10/15)

WOD: 'Elizabeth' 21-15-9
Power Cleans 135#/95#
Ring Dips

A. 100 Sit-ups for time
Rest 3 Minutes
B. 50 Sit-ups for time
Rest 2 Minutes
C. 25 Sit-ups for time


Skill: *Goal is for weights to be challenging, but do not sacrifice technique
A. 3 x 3 Clean & Jerk
B. 2 x 3 Clean & Jerk from the low hang
C. 3 x 3 Clean Pull (from the floor, 90%+ of Clean 1RM; meant to be explosive and fast; once the velocity starts to slow do not add more weight)

4 x 400m Run (1:1 work/rest)

Core:3 Rounds NFT
Max Effort L-sit Hold
15 Hollow Rocks

***** I know this day is lighter in terms of volume so some of you might not feel spent and will decide to do more. I would stress the importance of not doing that. Be happy when you see a day like this, let your body recover a little, and be ready for Friday and Saturday. *****


1. Active Recovery: spend 30 minutes swimming, biking, rowing, airdyne, running or doing something active (limit the intensity level)

2. Spend 15 Minutes Researching videos on Mobility WOD YouTube channel

3. Mobility: 30 Minutes- 1 hour prioritizing trouble spots

Monday, November 11, 2013


Gymnastics: 10 Minutes working MU Progressions and Kip or 2x Max Effort Unbroken Muscle-Ups

Skill: *Goal is for weights to be challenging, but do not sacrifice technique
A. 5 x 3 Split Jerk

Strength 1: Alternating Every 90 seconds for 15 Minutes 
A. 5 Power Cleans (unbroken)
B. 3 Push Press (from rack: 80,85,85,90,90)

Strength 2: Deadlift 4 x 5 
*Take 2-4 warm-up sets to get to starting weight. Start first set with a moderately heavy weight; goal is to be 5-10# heavier on your final set than last week

400 M Sprint (like, 95-100%)
1 Minute Rest, then:

3 Rounds
1 Minute Max Effort Wallballs 20#/14#
1 Minute Rest
1 Minute Max Effort Burpees (to a target, 6-12" above your fingertips)
1 Minute Rest
1 Minute Max Effort Air Dyne
1 Minute Rest

Rest 2 Minutes after completing the 3 Rounds, then:
400 M Sprint (again, 95-100%- compare the 2 times)

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Gymnastics: 'Mini' Flight Simulator, 5-10-15-20-25-20-15-10-5 Double Unders (each number is an unbroken set; go back to zero after completing each set. Each set is unbroken!) 
*10 Minute Time Cap

Skill: *Goal is for weights to be challenging, but do not sacrifice technique
A. 3 x 3 Squat Snatch
B. 2 x 3 Squat Snatch from the low hang (right below the knee)
C. 3 x 3 Snatch Pull (from the floor, 90%+ of Snatch 1RM; meant to be explosive and fast, once the velocity starts to slow do not add more weight)

Strength: Alternating Every 90 seconds for 15 Minutes
Odd: 3 OHS
Even: 5 Supine Ring Rows (place feet on box; tempo = 023. 2 second hold at top, 3 second controlled descent)

WOD: 'Josh'
21 OHS 95#/65#
42 Pull-ups
15 OHS 95#/65#
30 Pull-ups
9 OHS 95#/65#
18 Pull-ups

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Gymnastics: 3 x Max Effort Bar Hang (engage shoulders)

Speed: 4 x 400 M Run (1:1 rest/work)

Wod: 12-9-6 
One arm OHS w/ kettlebell 35#/26# (12-9-6 per arm!)
Burpee-over-the-box-jumps 24"/20"

Core: NFT
15 Toes-to-rings (TTR)
Max L-sit
15 TTR
Max Plank
15 TTR
Max L-hold (hanging from bar)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Gymnastics 1: Either accumulate 7-12 Muscle-ups in as few sets as possible or spend 5 minutes working on MU transitions

Strength: Alternating EMOM for 10 Minutes
Odd: 5 Push Press (70,75,80,80,85)
Even: 2 Power Snatches (heavy but should be linked)
*May use 2 bars

Gymnastics 2: Alternating EMOM for 10 Minutes:
Odd: 5 dips (weighted, if necessary)
Even: Max Strict HSPU (kipping is allowed, if necessary)

WOD: (Sprint, goal is speed and doing everything unbroken)
10 Back Squat 185#/135#
15 Burpees 
20 Wallballs 20#/14#

rest 90 seconds 

10 Front Squats 155#/115#
15 KB Swings 70#/35#
20 Wallballs 20#/14#

rest 90 seconds

10 OHS 135#/95#
15 T2B
20 Wallballs 20#/14#

*For everyone competing at the Rhinos and Unicorns competition this week, do not do gymnastics 2 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


1. Active Recovery: spend 30 minutes swimming, biking, rowing, airdyne, running or doing something active (limit the intensity level)

2. Spend 15 Minutes Researching videos on Mobility WOD YouTube channel

3. Mobility: 30 Minutes- 1 hour prioritizing trouble spots

Monday, November 4, 2013


Technique: EMOM for 8 Minutes
3 Squat snatches (reset between reps- should be heavy but manageable)

Strength 1: Deadlift 4 x 5 
*Take 2-4 warm-up sets to get to starting weight. Start first set with a moderately heavy weight; goal is to be 5-10# heavier on your final set than last week

Strength 2: EMOM for 10 Minutes
2 Heavy Power Cleans

WOD: Alternating EMOM for 20 Minutes
Odd: 6 Front Rack Lunges 155#/105#
Even: 12 Pull-ups


10 Minutes to practice DU/TU

Technique: EMOM for 10 Minutes:
3 Perfect Squat Cleans (60-70%, perfect)

Strength 1: Alternating EMOM for 10 Minutes
Odd: 5 OHS
Even: 7 Strict Pull-ups or 3 MU
* Goal is to go heavier on the OHS than last week, but only if your technique is sound

WOD: Heavy 'Grace'
30 Clean & Jerks 175#/115#