Training Philosophy

We will be treating CrossFit like any sport, especially during offseason development. This means we will be limiting the intensity of the workouts for some portions of the year and emphasizing skill and strength development, as well as improving our aerobic base. Therefore, I do not want you laying on the ground gasping for air feeling like you just got in a fight after a workout. This kind of long term, continuous training protocol would put too much stress on your body and limit development. Thus, emphasis will not be placed on traditional AMRAPs or 'for time' workouts. Instead we want to develop a large aerobic base and huge engine while simultaneously increasing strength and skill. Strength development will increase absolute strength but further emphasis will be placed on your ability to move large percentages of 1 RM with limited rest or recovery time. Additionally, we will train in a manner that will teach us how to maintain pace and develop skill while fatigued.

As we get closer to the competition season, we will begin to emphasize traditional CrossFit style workouts and modalities, but until that time please follow the program accordingly.

Prescribed Percentages: If the WOD says go 80-85%, this means you should NOT be laying on the ground after the WOD. Here we are either emphasizing working skill under fatigue or using an interval approach to build greater capacity. What we are not trying to do is destroy you

EMOM: Great time to really focus on perfect technique of a lift and/or allow us to work strength while fatigued. EMOM work will allow us to build towards the ability to consistently move a large percentage of our 1RM while fatigue or during a WOD

Rest time: If there is a prescribed rest time, please adhere to it. This is done for a reason, not as a loose guideline. If there is no specified rest period, rest as needed.

Guideline for Training: taken from a discussion of Bulgarian Training method on No Musts or Oughts 

"Everything I’ve written in this article should be taken with a grain of salt and always subject to your own findings. I’ve tried to qualify everything as opinion, either mine or someone I feel is worth listening to, which means that there are no rules.

Training this way is very subjective. I can’t give you a fixed list of things you should do, or must do, or ought to do. If you disagree with any point I made and find you do better by ignoring my guidelines, I encourage you to keep doing what you’re doing. Nothing here is beyond challenge, and I find that the lack of Must Do rules is a strength of this method. There are only good ideas worth trying for yourself.

Your success or failure on this system depends entirely on your frame of mind. Walking into this kind of training with a defeatist attitude, convinced that it won’t work, that you’ll overtrain, that you’ll get hurt, all but guarantees that these things will happen.

The first step to success in this program (or any program) is to trust what you’re doing. Believing in the program and enjoying what you’re doing creates a placebo effect. Your frame of mind can generate stress or it can encourage recovery.

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