Sunday, September 29, 2013


Skill: 15 Minutes on CF Endurance Running Technique 

WOD: Track Day (if you can get a couple people to meet at a track that would be awesome!)

4 x 200m Sprint (2:1 rest/work)

5 min rest

2 x 2000m 5 min rest between efforts.
*Goal is to pick a pace where your first effort and second are +/- 10 seconds of each other

5 min rest 

4 x 200m Sprint (2:1 rest/work)


Weakness: 5 sets of 3 Position Squat Snatch

Strength/Skill: Work up to a heavy 3 rep Push jerk with perfect technique 

WOD: For time 
25 Pull-ups
25 Ring Push-ups
25 K2E (IMPORTANT: knees must touch elbow to count)
25 DB Snatch (total) 60#/40#
25 OHS 95#/65#

Rest As Needed

Accumulate 15 Wall Walks

Rest As Needed

Accumulate 3 Min Hollow Rock Hold, each time you break you must rest in superman hold

Mobility: Overhead mobility work


Strength: Every 90 seconds for 12 Minutes: 3 Front Squats
sets 1-3: 70% 1 RM FS
4-6: 75%
7-8: 80%

Fun: Moby- "Flowers" 135#/95# Mod1: 115#/75#

20 Rounds
30 seconds Airdyne 70/60 RPM
30 seconds DU 
 * If you don't have an airdyne you can sub rower

rest as needed

Accumulate 25 Pistols per leg

rest as needed

10/10 TGU (turkish get-ups, 10 each side) start with 45#/35# barbell and progressively add weight (if possible)


1. Active Recovery: spend 20-30 mintues swimming, biking, rowing, airdyne, running with goeal of 70-80% output (120-150BPM Heart rate)

2. Mobility: 30 Minutes- 1 hour prioritizing trouble spots

3. Self education: 30-45 minutes researching technique and efficiency and anything else relevant to CrossFit or Strength and Conditioning (CF endurance, Gymnastics WOD, mobility WOD, CrossFit Journal, project mayhem on youtube, etc) 


Option A. 10 Minutes to Practice Bar MU
Option B. 10 Minutes to Practice Ring MU and/or progressions

Snatch Supplement: Drop Snatch, work up to a heavy single

A. 4 x 3 Strict Press @80%
B. 1 x Max Effort Push Press @ 80%1 RM Strict Press

Partner WOD, each completes 6 rounds: 
3 deadlifts 295#/175#
9 burpee pull-ups (chest-to-bar)
*Resting partner holds a front rack position with barbell (155#, 115#). No racks allowed, if partner drops bar the other must stop until they hold it again

Cooldown: 1K Row + 10 minutes of Overhead mobility and lat work 


Weakness: 10 Minutes to work on HS walks, L-sit to HS, and HS holds (against wall or free standing)

Strength: 3 Rep Pause Back Squat (percentages off your 1RM)
5 sets (60,65,70,75,75 percent)

'Holleyman', 30 Rounds
5 Wallballs 20#/14#
1 Power Clean 225#/155# Mod1: 185#/135# Mod2: 155#/95#

Rest 10 Minutes, then:

EMOM for 10 Minutes:
3 Power Snatches 135#/95# Mod1: 115#/75#

Rest 5 Minutes, then:

4 x ME Plank Hold w/ 45#/25# on back
*rest 1 Minute between sets

Mobility: hips and foam roll/mash IT band, glutes, and hamstrings

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Weakness: 10 Minutes of weakness work

Strong'ness': 10 minutes to work on something you are good at

Every 90 seconds for 12 Minutes:
1 Clean + 1 Push Jerk, adding weight working to a heavy set

Speed: EMOM for 8 Minutes: shuttle sprint (5 yards out/back, 10 yards out/back)

A. 400 M Run
B. 3 Rds: 6 OHS 115#/75#, 6 burpees
C. 400 M Run
D. 3 Rds: 10 KB Swings 70#/53#, 10 Box Jumps 24"/20"
E. 400 M Run


15 Minutes working on the posted muscle-up progressions

Skill: 12 Minutes to work up to a heavy double (2 rep) split jerk with perfect technique 

Snatch Supplement: 5 x 5 Snatch Grip Deadlift: percentages off 1 RM snatch (80,90,100,110,120)

WOD: If you are not working out tomorrow, do Saturday's WOD. If you are working out tomorrow:
6 Rounds
A. 30 seconds Max Ring Dips
30 seconds Rest

B. 30 seconds Max Shoulder-to-Overhead 145#/105# 
30 Seconds Rest 

C. 30 Seconds Max Cal Airdyne
30 Seconds Rest

Cooldown: 10 Min Row
3 Rounds NFT: 10 Good Mornings, 1 Min Hollow Rock Hold


5 x 3 High Hang Squat Clean (emphasize speed, not weight)

Strength: Every 90 seconds for 12 Minutes: 3 Front Squats
sets 1-3: 65% 1 RM FS
4-6: 70%
7-8: 75%

If you have a partner: 15 Min AMRAP:
Partner A: Row for Calories 20/15
Partner B: 20 Push-ups
*first one done rests, then switch

If alone: 15 Min AMRAP:
20 Calorie Row with 1:1 work/rest; during rest period complete 20 push-ups  

Core: 3 Rounds NFT
15 V-ups
30 second superman hold


Skill: 15 Minutes of Running skill and drills (reference CrossFit Endurance)

Active recovery: 15-20 mintues swimming, biking, rowing, airdyne, running with goeal of 70-80% output (120-150BPM Heart rate)

Mobility: 30 Minutes- 1 hour prioritizing trouble spots

Self education: 30-45 minutes researching technique and efficiency and anything else relevant to CrossFit or Strength and Conditioning (CF endurance, Gymnastics WOD, mobility WOD, CrossFit Journal, project mayhem on youtube, etc) 


3 x 10 T2B and 3 x 8 K2E (make sure you touch your knees to the elbows, this really requires you to engage your lats)

Snatch Supplement: 5 x 5 Sotts Press (focus on external rotation and armpits facing forward- will be extremely light)

Skill: EMOM 10 Min: 3 Squat Snatches @ 60-70% 1 RM

Strength: 4 x 400 M Sprint (2:1 rest/work)

WOD: 10 Minute AMRAP
15-12-9 225#/155# DL/HSPU as many times as possible 

10 minute row cooldown 


*Make sure you are looking at the resources provided on the other pages of the blog and including daily cooldown/mobility as well as the ankle, hip, and shoulder strengthening exercises that I have posted links to.

Option A. Kipping HSPU 3 x 10
Option B. 10 minutes Double Unders 

Strength 1: 5 x 3 Strict Press, percentages off 1 RM (65,70,75,80,80) 90 seconds rest between

Strength 2: 
3 Rep Pause Back Squat (percentages off your 1RM)
5 sets (55,60,65,65,70 percent)

WOD: Rotating EMOM for 24 Minutes
A. 12/8 C2B pull-ups (guys/girls; kipping/butterfly)
B. 6 Thrusters 135#/95#
C. 7/4 Strict Chin-ups or 10 Ring Rows
D. 12 Wallballs 20#/14#

Core: 5 x Max Effort L-Sit hold from bar or ME L-sit on parallettes (rest 90 seconds between each set) 

Sunday, September 15, 2013


30-60 Minutes of mobility 

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday


Optional Saturday:

Weakness: 10 Minutes of weakness work

Strong'ness': 10 minutes to work on something you are good at

Every 90 seconds for 12 Minutes:
3 Snatches, adding weight working to a heavy 3

Speed: EMOM for 8 Minutes: 40 yard sprint

WOD: 'Coe': 10 Rounds
10 Thrusters 95#/65#
10 Ring push-ups (Mod: regular push-ups)


Option A: 3 x ME Pull-ups (90 seconds rest between)
Option B. 5 x 3 High Hang Squat Snatch (light weight, speed under the bar)

Skill: 10 Minutes to work up to a heavy single split jerk with perfect technique 

Efficiency: EMOM for 10 Minutes: 
3 Push Press (90% 1RM Press or 60% 1RM Push Press)

Max Effort Plank Hold:

rest 2 Minutes

5 Rounds:
5 Wall Walks 
10 OHS @50% 1RM or 65% 1RM Snatch

rest 2 Minutes

Max Effort Plank Hold

Endurance (only complete if you are taking off Saturday): 2 Mile Run 


Option A. EMOM for 5 Minutes: 10 Pistols (each leg)
Option B. 4 x ME L-sit on parallettes  or L-hold from bar

Skill: 6 Sets 1 SS + 1 Hang Squat Snatch (60,65,70,70,75 percent 1 RM)

Strength: Every 90 seconds for 12 Minutes: 3 Front Squats
sets 1-3: 60% 1 RM FS
4-6: 65%
7-8: 70%

10 Lunges 135#/95# (each leg)
20 Wallballs 20#/14#
30 T2B 

Rest 4 Minutes

10 Lunges 135#/95# (each leg)
20 Wallballs 20#/14#
30 T2B 

Rest 4 Minutes

10 Lunges 135#/95# (each leg)
20 Wallballs 20#/14#
30 T2B 


Skill: 15 Minutes of Running skill and drills (reference CrossFit Endurance)

Active recovery: 15-20 mintues swimming, biking, rowing, airdyne, running with goeal of 70-80% output (120-150BPM Heart rate)

Mobility: 30 Minutes- 1 hour prioritizing trouble spots

Self education: 30-45 minutes researching technique and efficiency and anything else relevant to CrossFit or Strength and Conditioning (CF endurance, Gymnastics WOD, mobility WOD, CrossFit Journal, project mayhem on youtube, etc) 


Option A: Handstand walk practice
Option B: 4 x 5 Bench Press

Snatch Supplement: 4 x 3 Snatch balance 

Strength 1: Establish a 1RM Strict Press
4 x 3 Strict Press @75%

Strength 2: 6 sets of 2 Touch-and-Go Power Clean (rest 90-120 seconds between)

WOD: 4 Rounds  
20 KB Swings 70#/44#
400 M Run
4 Deadlifts at 70% 1RM

Monday, September 9, 2013


Warm-up: 3 Rounds
300 M Row
20 jumping lunges

Weakness: 10 Minutes to practice double-unders/triple-unders

Technique: EMOM for 10 Minutes:
3 Perfect Squat Cleans (reset between reps, starting at 50%, no higher than 70%)

Strength: 3 Rep Pause Back Squat- (full pause at bottom of squat not 90 degrees; percentages off your 1RM)
5 sets (50,55,55,60,65 percent)

WOD: Rotating EMOM for 24 Minutes
A. 5/3 C2B (guys/girls; kipping/butterfly)
B. 10/8 HSPU 
C. 5/3 Strict Chin-ups or 8 Ring Rows
D. 10 Box Jumps 30"/24"

Core: 3 Rounds, NFT (not for time)
2 TGU (you choose weight, use KB)
1 Minute hollow rock hold

Mobility: hips and foam roll/mash IT band, glutes, and hamstrings