Sunday, September 22, 2013


Weakness: 10 Minutes of weakness work

Strong'ness': 10 minutes to work on something you are good at

Every 90 seconds for 12 Minutes:
1 Clean + 1 Push Jerk, adding weight working to a heavy set

Speed: EMOM for 8 Minutes: shuttle sprint (5 yards out/back, 10 yards out/back)

A. 400 M Run
B. 3 Rds: 6 OHS 115#/75#, 6 burpees
C. 400 M Run
D. 3 Rds: 10 KB Swings 70#/53#, 10 Box Jumps 24"/20"
E. 400 M Run


  1. Weakness: butterfly pull-ups - these are starting to feel more comfortable, but I still need to get a bit higher. I need more pull-up strength in general.

    Was short on time (and motivation) today, so didn't do the "strongness", or the shuttle sprints and only did a few clean and jerks. Maybe I'll do some shuttle sprints later today with the girls. I should have done them while I stood around at the soccer field - I could have been THAT mom.

    WOD: 12:42 RX - my box jumps were pretty slow, just jumped up, stepped down for all of them, but went unbroken on everything at least. Those KB swings felt heavy, I'm glad and I understand why we are working heavier, but it makes me feel so slow! Hoping when we go light I'll finally feel fast again :). Probably shouldn't have skipped those shuttle sprints.

  2. Jen Clark

    Ran 1.5 miles prior to WOD, waiting for gym to open. Little did we know Paul was there already. Only had time for the WOD.

    WOD-13:45 RX, Kettlebell Swings were not as heavy as I expected. Box jumps were fairly easy for me. Should have probably done the 24' box jump. This was a great WOD. Really enjoyed this one. Good cardio push.
