Monday, October 28, 2013


Weakness: 10 Minutes working on your weakest gymnastics movement

Strong'ness': 10 minutes working on something you are good at

Alternating EMOM for 10 minutes
Odd: 7 Back Squats (65-80%, you choose percentage)
Even: 1 Rope Climb

WOD: For Time
100 DU
40 sit-ups
30 Shoulder-to-Overhead 135#/95#
100 foot walking lunge 135#/95#


Gymnastics: 3 x Max Effort Isometric Pull-up hold
rest 90 seconds between attempts
*chin must be above bar, focus on squeezing shoulder blades bit biceps

Strength: Alternating EMOM for 10 Minutes
Odd: 5 Push Press (70,75,80,80,85)
Even: 2 Squat Snatches
* Goal on the squat snatches is for weight to be heavy but maintain solid technique. Gradually add weight until you feel your technique start to slip
**May use 2 bars

Squat Snatch 135#/95# (Mod: 115#/75#)
KB Swing 70#/53#


Gymnastics: 3 Rounds
A. 10 second 1 arm hang (each arm)
B. 10 Dips

Strength: EMOM for 8 Minutes
3 Clean Pulls (95%+; meant to be explosive and fast; once the velocity starts to slow do not add more weight)

3 x 400 M Sprints (1:1 rest/work)

rest 10 Minutes 

EMOM for 8 Minutes: 14 burpees

rest 5 Minutes

6 Min AMRAP (with a partner)
Max C2B pull-ups (one rest the other works)


1. Active Recovery: spend 30 mintues swimming, biking, rowing, airdyne, running or doing something active (limit the intensity level)

2. Spend 15 Minutes Reseaching videos on Mobility WOD YouTube channel

3. Mobility: 30 Minutes- 1 hour prioritizing trouble spots


Gymnastics: 3 Min AMRAP DU

Technique: EMOM for 8 Minutes
5 Power Snatches (unbroken)

Strength 1: Deadlift 4 x 5 
*Take 2-4 warm-up sets to get to starting weight. Start first set with a moderately heavy weight; goal is to be 5-10# heavier on your final set than last week

Strength 2: 5 Pendlay Rows @ 75% (3 second pause at top)

WOD: 5 Rounds 
5 Tire Flips
100 M Sprint
*complete with a partner, one does a round while the other rests then switch; each completes 5 rounds. If you dont have a partner, 1:1 work/rest

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Gymnastics: 3 Rounds
A. 3 Strict MU or 6 Strict C2B
B. 60 second Plank Hold

Strength 1: Alternating EMOM for 10 Minutes
Odd: 5 OHS
Even: 3 Max Distance broad jumps (do not worry about recording)
*Goal is find a heavy 5 rep OHS for the EMOM but it will not be a true 5 RM. Emphasis is technique, once technique starts to go do not add weight

Strength 2: 5 sets of 5 touch-and-go clean & jerks, rest as needed between sets (unbroken, you choose the weight)

WOD: For Time
2 Rounds: 
400 m run
21 KB Swings 53#/35#
12 Pull-ups
30 Wallballs 20#/14#

then, immediately:

15 clean & jerks 155#/100#

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Skill: Tabata Pistols

Strength: 3 RM Front Squat (from a rack)


A. EMOM for 10 Min
5 Strict Pull-ups + 12 Box Jumps 24"/20"

Rest 5 Minutes, then:

B. Alternating for 12 Minutes
8 OHS 135#/95#
10 KB Swings 70#/53#

Rest 3 Minutes, then:

C. 50 Burpees over the bar for time


Skill: Alternating EMOM for 10 Minutes
Odd: 3 Ring Front Levers (as slow as possible)
Even: 3-5 Strict HSPU  

Strength: Alternating EMOM for 8 Minutes:
Odd: 4 Hang Power Clean 165#/115#
Even: 4 Shoulder-to-overhead 165#/115#

15 Minute AMRAP
5 Parallette HSPU (MOD: deficit HSPU on plates)
2 Muscle-ups (MOD: 4 C2B + 4 Dips)
10 Hand Release Push-ups
30 DU

Core: Tabata hollow rock


Skill 1: Establish a 1 RM Snatch

Skill 2: At 60% of your 1 RM Snatch: 
3 x Max Effort Unbroken Snatches (touch-and-go, power or squat)
* Rest 1 Minute between attempts 

Skill 3: Alternating EMOM for 10 Minutes
Odd: 1 attempt Max HS Walk 
Even: 3 MU Progressions

A. Work up to a 1 RM Pendlay Row (perfect form)
B. Max Effort reps at 70% 1 RM (unbroken, touch-and-go)

WOD: 4 Rounds
15 Thrusters 105#/70#
15 C2B
* Rest 2 minutes between rounds (goal is to feel recovered so you can treat each round like a sprint)


1. Active Recovery: spend 30 mintues swimming, biking, rowing, airdyne, running or doing something active (limit the intensity level)

2. Spend 15 Minutes Reseaching videos on Mobility WOD YouTube channel

3. Mobility: 30 Minutes- 1 hour prioritizing trouble spots


Strength 1: Alternating for 10 Minutes
A. Odd: 5 Strict C2B
B. Even: Push Press 5 x 5 (70,75,75,80,80)
*If you don’t have a 1 RM, establish one then complete strength

Strength 2: Deadlift 4 x 5 
*Take 2-4 warm-up sets to get to starting weight. Start first set with a moderately heavy weight; goal is to add weight (5-10# per set). We will be doing this strength progression for the next few weeks and the goal will be to be 5-10# heavier on your last set each week so do not treat this like a 5 RM

WOD: Every 90 Seconds for 12 Minutes:
25 yard heavy prowler/sled push (you choose weight)

Core: 4 Rounds (NFT):
Max L-sit hold
Max T2B

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Strength 1: Establish a 1 RM Back Squat (No Pause)

Gymnastics Weakness (choose 1):
Option 1: 10 Minutes Handstand walk practice (goal is max distance)
Option 2 Kipping HSPU practice (accumulate 20 reps with good form)
Option 3: 4 x Max Effort Ring Dips (resting 90 seconds between attempts)

Speed: EMOM for 8 Minutes
Shuttle Sprint (5 m down/back + 10 m down/back)

WOD: For Time
5k Run

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Weakness: 10 minutes working on your weakest gymnastics movement (includes DU, pull-ups, MU, pistols, etc)

Technique: EMOM for 7 Minutes:
1 Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean (starting at 55%, working up to 75%- do not go higher)

400 M Med ball bear hug run 20#/14# (hug ball with both hands, cannot be on shoulders) 

3 Rds:
7 sit-up wallballs 20#/14# (basically, do a sit-up then a wall ball)
2 Bear Complexes 165#/105#

3 Rds:
2 KB Clusters 70#/53# -  (only difference from the demo is that it is with 2 KB, one per hand, and the kettlebells do not have to touch the ground between reps)
8 burpee box jumps 30"/24"

30 meter Front Rack lunges 135#/85# (walk bar into parking lot and complete there, time stops when you run back inside)


Skill 1: 15 Minutes working on Atlas Stone Ground-to-shoulder technique (goal is to progressively add weight and accumulate no more than 25 reps)

Skill 2: 10 Minutes Working on Rope Climb Technique. Then, 2 x Max Effort Rope Climbs in 2 Minutes (Rest 60 Seconds between efforts)

Strength: Alternating Every 90 Seconds for 12 Minutes (unbroken only):
A. Max Effort Strict HSPU
B. Max Effort Strict Pull-ups
C. Max Effort Kipping HSPU
D. Max Effort Kipping/Butterfly Pull-ups

3 Rounds: 
21 KB Swings 70#/53#
15 Deadlift 245#/165#
9 Burpee
*2 Minutes Rest Between Rounds

Then, Immediately Following Last Round: 125 DU for Time
*Note total time and DU split time


Skill: 5 x 2 Snatch (power or squat, whichever needs more work- working up to 75%)

Strength 1: Every 60 seconds for 8 Minutes: 3 Front Squats
sets 1-3: 70% 1 RM FS
4-6: 75%
7-8: 80%

WOD:13 Minute Ascending ladder (3,6,9,12,etc)
OHS 135#/100#

Cooldown: 10 Minute Row, Accumulate 50 Hip Extensions in as few sets as possible (


1. Active Recovery: spend 30-45 mintues swimming, biking, rowing, airdyne, running with goeal of 70-80% output (120-150BPM Heart rate)

2. Mobility: 30 Minutes- 1 hour prioritizing trouble spots

3. Self education: 30-45 minutes researching technique and efficiency and anything else relevant to CrossFit or Strength and Conditioning (CF endurance, Gymnastics WOD, mobility WOD, CrossFit Journal, project mayhem on youtube, etc) 


5 Min working on Proper Breathing Technique-

Gymnastics: 10 Minutes working on Muscle-up Progressions and 2 x Max Effort Muscle-ups if you have them

Skill: Snatch Balance, 15 Minutes to work up to a heavy set of 3

Strength: Alternating Every 90 Seconds for 12 Minutes
A. 5 Rep Bench Press (heavy)
B. 5 Rep Bench Isometric Rows (8-10 second hold) pick appropriate weight

WOD: 6 x 200 M Hill Sprints (recovery is time spent walking back to the 400 M turnaround)

Core: 3 x 25 Weighted abmat sit-ups 20#/14# (rest 90 seconds between efforts)


5 Bear Complexes 95#/65# (perfect form)
2 Minute Plank hold
2 Minute Squat hold 95#/65#

Skill: 15 Minutes to establish a 1 RM Clean & Jerk

Strength: Pause Back Squat (percentages off your 1RM)
(3 reps @70, 3 reps @75, 3 reps @80, 2 reps @85, 2 reps @85)

A. 8 min AMRAP:
3 KB OHS (2 KB @ 45#/26#)
5/5 One arm DB Snatch 65#/30#

B. Immediately following AMRAP, for time: 75 Wallballs 20#/14#

Core: 3 Rounds (NFT)
15 TTR 
Max Effort Plank w/ plate (45#/25#)

Sunday, October 6, 2013


10- 15 minutes of weakness work: 3 Options
A. Muscle-up progressions
B. Double under practice
C. Overhead Squat: work up to a heavy set of 3 but while maintaining perfect form

10-15 Minutes of Strong'ness' work (something you are good at)

400 M Run

3 RDS:
3/side split jerk (165#/105)*may use rack
6 C2B

400 M Run

4 RDS:
4 DL 275#/185#
4 Deficit HSPU (2 x 45#/25# plate deficit)

400 M Run


10-15 minutes weakness work: 2 Options 
A. Work up to a heavy 3 on bench press
B.  3 X Max Effort Ring Rows (rest 90 seconds between efforts)

Strength: 6 x 2 Muscle Snatch


EMOM for 12 Minutes (alternating)
A. 5 Power Cleans @ 70% 1RM
B. 200 M Row

Rest 4 Minutes, then:

4 Rounds
60 Seconds Max Wallballs 
60 Seconds Rest

Rest 4 Minutes, then:

EMOM for 12 Minutes (alternating)
A. 20 T2B
B. 10 Walking Lunges 95#/65#


Warm-up: 2 Rounds
10 Jumping squats
10 Burpee broad jumps

Speed: EMOM for 8 minutes: 40 yard sprint 

Strength 1: Every 60 seconds for 8 Minutes: 3 Front Squats
sets 1-3: 65% 1 RM FS
4-6: 70%
7-8: 75%

Strength 2:
Push Press: 2-2-2-2-2
Push Jerk or Split Jerk: 2-2-2-2-2
*Objective is to increase weight with every set, from the first set of push press to the last set of jerks. Be Smart and Strategic!

WOD: 3 Rounds, 2 Minute AMRAP
5 Front Squats 135#/95#
20 DU
* Rest 1 Minute between Rounds
* Goal is 3 Rounds per AMRAP

Core: Accumulate 3 Min L-sit hold plus 1 minute Hollow Rock hold. Every time you break you must do 3 K2E (Knees must touch elbows!)


1. Active Recovery: spend 30-45 mintues swimming, biking, rowing, airdyne, running with goeal of 70-80% output (120-150BPM Heart rate)

2. Mobility: 30 Minutes- 1 hour prioritizing trouble spots

3. Self education: 30-45 minutes researching technique and efficiency and anything else relevant to CrossFit or Strength and Conditioning (CF endurance, Gymnastics WOD, mobility WOD, CrossFit Journal, project mayhem on youtube, etc) 


400 M run
Shoulder exercise sequence with band (posted as a link on resources page)

Skill: 5 sets of 3 position squat snatch @ 75% 1RM

Strength 1:
Press: 3-3-3-3-3 @85% 1RM


Sprint Chipper 
21 KB Swings 70#/53#
15 DB Thrusters 40#/25#
9 burpee-over-the-box jumps (feet may land on top of box) 30"/24"
*3 Minutes is goal

Rest 3 Minutes

For Time: 1k Row


Warm-up: 3 Rounds
45 Second HS hold against wall
1 Minute Plank hold
10 Air Squats + 1 minute hold at bottom of Squat

Skill: 5 sets of 3 position squat clean @ 70% 1 RM

Strength: 3 Rep Pause Back Squat (percentages off your 1RM)
5 sets (65,70,75,80,80 percent)

WOD: 10 Minute AMRAP
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
* Rest 5 mintues and repeat, goal is to get same number of reps +/- 10 

Core: 3 Rounds, NFT (not for time):
10 dragonflies
10 Hollow Rocks
10 K2E

15 minutes of hip mobility and posterior chain work