Monday, October 28, 2013


Gymnastics: 3 x Max Effort Isometric Pull-up hold
rest 90 seconds between attempts
*chin must be above bar, focus on squeezing shoulder blades bit biceps

Strength: Alternating EMOM for 10 Minutes
Odd: 5 Push Press (70,75,80,80,85)
Even: 2 Squat Snatches
* Goal on the squat snatches is for weight to be heavy but maintain solid technique. Gradually add weight until you feel your technique start to slip
**May use 2 bars

Squat Snatch 135#/95# (Mod: 115#/75#)
KB Swing 70#/53#

1 comment:

  1. Did this Sunday because I missed a couple of days with the in-laws in town.

    Gymnastics: only was able to hold for about d15-20 seconds on each

    Push Press - 75#, 80#, 85#, 85#, 90#
    Snatch - First two at 75#, then bumped it up to 85#

    WOD: 8:10 - used 85# for the snatches, I was slow on the snatches, I think I only linked a few, most were down and reset before going again. But, they were actually getting better as I went, so felt good about that. Otherwise, my T2B were all unbroken and so were the KB swings.
