Work up to a Heavy Snatch
Work up to Heavy Clean & Jerk
WOD: For Time (115#/75#)
20 Thrusters
20 SDHP (Sumo Deadlift High Pull)
20 Jerks
20 OHS
20 Front Squats
*4 burpees top of every minute, including first minute
Strength :
Bent Over Row 5 x 5 (Heavy)
RDL: 7 x 4 (reps x sets) @ 60% of back squat
Again, on the road, just had to do the WOD at the gym I was visiting - no strength, just a 20 min AMRAP of 15 Front Squats @ 95, 50 DUs - had to do 3 rounds, then rest for 3 mins, then do another 3 rounds, rest for 3 mins...if you were in the middle of one of the sets of 3 rounds at 20 mins, you had to complete those 3 rounds. I got through 3 rounds - DUs were suffering.