Thursday, January 2, 2014


EMOM for 7 minutes: 3 Power Snatch @ 70%

Back Squat: 
a. 3 reps @ 70%
b. 3 reps @ 70%
c. 2 reps @ 75%
d. 2 reps @ 75%
e. 2 reps @ 75%

Split Jerk: (4 x 3) (sets x reps) @ 73%

21-15-9 Deadlift 315#/185#
12-9-6 Strict Pull-ups


  1. EMOM: 165#. These were 70% of my 1RM Squat snatch, but even still felt pretty easy except the last round.

    Back Squat:
    A-B: 265#
    C-E: 285#
    These felt really easy. I know we're in a deloading phase, and it feels like it. But I'm kind of grateful for the break with how this WOD went.

    Split Jerk: 215#. Only rough part of these were lowering the bar back onto my collar bone. Oh well.

    WOD: 10:10
    JESUS!!!!!!! This was ridiculously harder than I think it should have been. Broke the first set of 21 into 10/5/3/3, pullups were a rest, second set of DL into 3's, then the final set into 5 and 4. It's hard to believe how fast the pro's did this weight at the regionals last year. Makes me wanna work a lot harder.

  2. Power snatch- did 75#, these felt good

    Back squat- A-B- 135#
    C-E: 145#
    These felt really light and easy.

    Split jerk- 95#, felt good

    The weight for the DL felt good, except for the last couple of reps, started to feel heavy. The strict pull ups, still not that strong on these, but did them all.

  3. I'm a day behind and still piecing workouts together between gyms.

    So, did a WOD first again today - lots of heavy thrusters and ring dips - sweet.

    Then Back Squats: A-B: 130# C-E: 140# - not as easy as I was hoping they would feel, but not too tough either

    Then Snatches: Did these with 75# instead of 80# because my triceps were fried again and I wanted to really work on my power snatch technique. I feel like I have gotten a lot more comfortable with squat snatches lately, but my power snatches are progressing as much. These felt pretty light and I was able to get good, clean power snatches at 75#.
