Thursday, January 16, 2014


Gymnastics: 2 Options
A. 15 Minutes of Muscle-up progressions
B. EMOM for 10 Minutes: 2-3 MU

WOD 1: 15-12-9-6-3
Clean and Jerk 135#/95#

Rest as needed

WOD 2: EMOM for 8 minutes
Even: 2 Hang Squat Snatch @ 70-75%
Odd: 40 Seconds Max Double Unders


  1. I did Paul's WOD today. It was 1 min max effort for 8 different movements with a 2min rest in between each movement. I felt pretty good on everything except thrusters and V-ups. I don't know if you want to know, but his is what I did:

    Heavy DL @ 135# - 10
    Strict Pull-ups - 12
    Knees to Elbows - 28
    Clean and Jerks @ 65# - 11
    Thrusters @ 65# - 9
    V-ups - 26
    HSPU - 14
    Box Jumps - 29

  2. WOD: Took me 14:32. The C2B, were not too bad. I am getting better at linking more together. The clean and jerks started to get heavy towards the end. Did the 95#

    WOD 2: EMOM for 8 min
    Did 75# hang squat snatch, did not feel as good today as they have. Did really well on the first 2 sets of du's but then went down hill. (60, 56, 36, 35)

    Did not have time today to work on MU progression.

  3. Did the BCCF WOD today -
    30 snatches (105#)
    30 Muscle-ups
    EMOM: 20 DUs
    Time Cap: 14:00

    I scaled the snatches to 95# (got talked up from 85# by Kristy) - got 15 at that weight and then decided I should drop to 85# to keep moving. Then scaled MUs to 3 strict dips and 3 strict pull-ups. In the 14 mins, I got through the snatches and 8 MUs (24 dips and 24 pull-ups).

    Worked on MU hip extension drills
