Thursday, January 16, 2014


15 Minutes of Gymnastics Weakness Work: (3 Options)
A. Dips: 3 x 10
B. Muscle-ups or C2B: 4 x Max Effort
C Muscle-up Progressions/transitions

EMOM for 15 Minutes: 3 Touch-and-Go Power Snatches

WOD: 'TK' AMRAP 20: 
8 Strict Pull-ups
8 Box Jumps 36"/30"
12 KB Swings 70#/53#


  1. I did tomorrow's DL work today instead of snatches, because I will have them tomorrow at BCC. I was very discouraged to say the least. I only got up to 225# and while that is about 25# more than the last time I maxed on these, I also maxed about 9 months ago. But, no big surprise, DLs continue to be a big weakness for me. Did the 7x3 at 145# - was able to be quick and didn't struggle with these at all.

    So, still struggling with following directions - Patrick and I did 15 KB swings each round, not fault. I also purposely dropped the pull-ups down to 6 per round for myself because I was doing them in singles after the first 2 on most rounds. I also had to take a quick break mid-WOD to handle a kid dispute. All of that aside - I got through 4 pull-ups in round 7. Pull-ups were definitely my big hang up on this WOD. The box jumps felt good and I did all of the KB swings unbroken (even though I was doing 3 more than I was supposed to).

  2. I did this workout Tuesday, as I had to take Monday off & did Tuesday's workout at home Sunday (didn't want to do these snatches at home incase I needed to bail or drop the bar).

    For gymnastics work I chose dips, worked on negatives.

    I wasn't sure what weight or % you wanted us to use for the touch and go snatches, so I used 65#. I missed my third snatches at minutes 8 and 9, but got refocused and completed the 15 mins. Not sure what happened at minutes 8 & 9, but overall these felt really good.

    I was awful at this today, my legs were totally dead and I had to do step-ups.
    Pull-ups took me FOREVER. My hands were torn up from the snatches, so I needed to drop down to 45# KB just to hold onto it. My grip strength is not good at all. I only got through 5 rounds plus 8 pull-ups/ 148 reps.

    My lungs were not tired, just my body. I felt really heavy and sluggish today. My right hip flexor and right knee are pretty sensitive (I think from all the cleans I did Sunday). I know I haven't been sleeping great, though, so I'm sure that is a lot of how I felt today.

  3. Gymnastics-worked on ring dips and muscle up progression.

    EMOM: TNG snatches, did 75#

    WOD: ended up doing six full rounds plus 20. The strict pull-up's got difficult around the 5th round. Everything else felt great. Need to continue to work on the strict pull-ups. Being able to do more in a row.
