Sunday, January 26, 2014


15 Minutes of weakness work

WOD: For Time
9 Snatches 155#/105#
2 K Row
15 Snatches 155#/105#
1 K Row
21 Snatches 155#/105#
500 M Row

A. 1 Attempt at a 20 RM Deadlift (unbroken)
B. Clean pull off riser: 3 x 3 @ 90% of clean 


  1. 15 minutes of weakness-working on Handstands, gymnastics.

    WOD: I have no idea what I finished in, I would guess around 30 minutes, clock stopped on me. Guess I didn't set it right.
    Started with 90#, dropped after the first 5 of 15 to 85#. I squat snatched all of these, wanted to really work on getting under it and feeling comfortable. Struggled with a couple as I got tired, but overall they felt pretty good. The row, I think I pull to high as my traps are always tired. Need to work more on the movements, but overall felt I had a pretty steady strong pace throughout the WOD.

    A. Had know idea how much weight to use, so I did 175#, made it to 12 and my grip slipped. Probably could have done at least 5 more.
    B. Clean pull off of riser, 125#, these felt good.

  2. 15 minutes weakness work: rope climbing

    WOD: 31:48
    Snatches I did at 65# (my max is only about 80#) These felt hard today...It took me 7 minutes to do my last round of 21.
    My row splits were:
    2k - 9:28
    1k - 4:52
    500m - 2:18
    not horrible, but I know I need to get them under 2min/500m

    A. 1 x 20 DL: I got 20 reps at 85#. The last 7 were hard, but I think I could have done 100#.
    B. Clean pull off riser: 3 x 3 at 85# Felt ok, back is tight and hips are tired

  3. Worked out at BCCF today.

    A. Row 500
    15 Power Snatches (95#)
    30 T2B

    At 7:00 start B.

    B. 150 DUs
    15 Power Cleans (95#)
    50 Wall balls

    At 14:00 Start C.

    C. 7 min AMRAP
    5 strict pull-ups
    5 Thrusters (95#)
    5 Burpee over bar

    I did 85# on the Snatches and also on the Thrusters. I finished each round before the 7:00 were up. In the last round, Steve changed it to 5:00 AMRAP in the middle of the WOD, I got through 3 rounds. Since I dropped the Thrusters to 85# I was able to link all 5 each round.

    I need to rest tomorrow and go to gymnastics. But, I will make sure I hit this strength later in the week because I need the DL work.
