Strength 1: Build to a heavy 5 rep strict press
WOD 1: 5 Rounds (you choose weight, should attempt to get progressively heavier)
5 Deadlifts
3 Hang Power Cleans
1 Split Jerk
*Rest as needed between Rounds
**All reps must be unbroken, cannot rest in middle of complex
Wod 2: 6 Rounds
10 T2B
8 Ring Push-ups
*Rest 30 Seconds between rounds
*Rest 30 Seconds between rounds
Strength 2: Pulls
A. Snatch Grip Deadlift: 5 x 4 @ 110% 1 RM Snatch
B. 5 x 5 Snatch Pull @ 90% while standing on 3" riser (I used a 45# plate)
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ReplyDeleteWorked out at BCCF today - worked cleans and did the 7-7-7 WOD from last week with that group. I'll post on that day my results.
ReplyDeleteBuilt up to 85# strict Press
ReplyDeleteWOD 1: This was a good one. Did 105#, finally starting to feel better about my form with the jerks. Maybe should have done a little more weight. The power cleans are were a little rough, but still had good form.
WOD 2: Struggled linking all my T2B after the first round, would only reach 6-7 and then my rhythm was off for some reason. The Ring pushups were rough.
Snatch Grip DL: Did 110#, these felt good.
Snatch Pull on 3" plates- Did 100#. Felt a little awkward.
Strict Press: final set @ 165#. I think I need to work on these, I feel a little weaker than I used to on these.
ReplyDeleteWOD1: 185, 205, 215, 225, 235#. This was fun. The DL's were easy, but it forced me to really concentrate on my grip for the cleans. The jerks were pretty light as well. The last set of power cleans @ 235 were pretty rough though.
WOD2: 6:10. Unbroken on first 3 rounds of T2B, then couldn't seem to get a rhythm down on the next 3. This wasn't a real lung burner like yesterday's. It seemed more that I lacked muscular endurance for the whole WOD. Like I said a few days ago, T2B are definitely a weakness for me.
Snatch grip DL: 275#. I cheated a little bit here. My grip was pretty dead after the WOD's, so I used lifting straps on the last 4 sets. Crazy what a difference these made. I was able to really focus on proper form and lifting with my legs and hips when I didn't have to worry about grip.
Snatch Pulls: 225#. I think they these felt better than a normal snatch pull. I don't know if it's because it was after the heavy snatch DL, or just stronger on the bottom part of the movement, but I like doing the 3" deficit pulls.
Nate Loback -
ReplyDeleteDid this WOD yesterday with Ryan at 24 hr fitness during lunch. We used dumbbells for the strict press. My left shoulder is still having issues and I topped out at 50 lbs. I definitely need to work on shoulder strength through a variety of movments...perhaps almost every time I workout.
WOD 1: 135, 155, 165, 175, 185. Deadlifts were easy, hang cleans were easy except for the grip, but i haven't been working with my grip trainer. Hook grip saved me. Push jerk was the limiting factor here - going back to shoulder strength.
WOD 2: T2B unbroken all rounds as well as dips. We didn't have rings so had to sub regular dips. I just made sure to go super deep every time.
Only had an hour, so had to skip Strength 2.