Friday, February 28, 2014


Complete the Following with a 30 Minute running clock:

A. 12-9-6 or 5 Min AMRAP (Whichever comes first)
Front Squats 135#/95#
Burpee box jumps 24"/20"

At the 5 Minute mark:

B. 50 HSPU or 5 Min AMRAP (Whichever comes first)

At the 10 Minute mark:

C. 12 Minutes to Establish a 1 RM Clean & Jerk

At the 22 Minute mark:

D. 4 Rounds or 8 Min AMRAP (Whichever comes first)
15 Push-ups 
10 T2B
5 Deadlifts 315#/205#

*If you plan on redoing 14.1, I recommend doing it Monday 


Tuesday, February 25, 2014


WOD: 14.1 AMRAP 10
30 DU
15 Power Snatches 55#/75#
*In terms of strategy, it is most important that you pick a pace that you think you can hold throughout the workout. Do not go out too fast and cause yourself to stand around towards the end. Here is a video on warm-up, strategy, and recovery after the workout. Good Luck and have fun!

Strength: 8 sets of Deadlift Complex
3 Pulls to Knee
2 Pulls to Mid-thigh
1 Full Deadlift
*Increase weight on each set if possible. However, the focus is on proper back positioning (AKA, no rounding). Overhand, clean grip only, no underhand DL grip!! 

The Open: Do It

The Mental Side of CrossFit: "The search for the bearable handle is not merely a practical search, not a search for a way to “make it easier.” Rather, the bearable handle is internally sought by recognizing that, though there is no making it easier, there is a way to make it through—not by trying to avoid the difficulty but by accepting that it will hurt, it will be hard and it will take everything in you, including your very soul, to keep going."

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Active Rest day:

15-20 minutes of something to get you sweating but nothing intense

30-60 minutes of stretching/rolling out/lacrosse ball work/barbell mashing/etc.


30 Burpees
10 Deadlifts 135#/95#
20 Burpees
10 Deadlifts 185#/125#
10 Burpees
10 Deadlifts 205#/145#
5 Burpees
10 Deadlifts 225#/155#
*Make sure your positioning on the deadlifts is very good. Do not sacrifice positioning for reps!

Gymnastics 1: EMOM for 5 Minutes
7 T2B + 30 Double-Unders

Gymnastics 2: EMOM for 8 Minutes
Odd: 5-10 C2B (emphasis on movement not reps!!)
Even: 3-5 MU or Muscle-up transition work

Great Muscle-up Comparison with Coach's Eye


10 Shoulder-to-Overhead 115#/75#
500 M Row
5 Squat Snatches 115#/75#

Back Squat: 6 x 4 across
*This means you should choose a weight and use it for all 6 sets

As we get closer to the Open, I believe it is important to reflect on why you do CrossFit. Regardless of your goals or abilities, everyone has their own reason for doing CrossFit. As with training the Open will be accompanied by plenty of ups and downs, but when you reflect on why you are at the gym day after day suffering through workouts, it becomes more clear as to why you challenge yourself and challenge your boundaries. Even if that means failing. Because progression does not come without challenge and, oftentimes, challenge does not come without failure.  Below I have posted a few links that I think will help with such reflection and get your mind in the right place.


Participating in the Open

Letting Beauty Speak

“I don’t like work—no man does—but I like what is in the work,—the chance to find yourself. Your own reality—for yourself, not for others—what no other man can ever know.” - Joseph Conrad


***Hey guys, almost to the Open! Over the next 5 weeks we will be training with the focus of doing as well on the open workouts as possible. In order to do this, the volume will remain relatively low so we are fresh and ready to go. We will be doing the Open workouts on Fridays with the ability to redo them on Saturday, Sunday or Monday. Do not redo them more than once! I have heard from some coaches that they have found about 80% of people who redo is once improve but only 5% will improve if they do it again. If you do not want to redo it, then there will be workouts posted for you to complete on Saturday and Monday. For those of you redoing the workout, if you want to take Saturday as a rest day and then workout Sunday you can. Just be sure to take one of those days as a rest day.***

EMOM: Squat Clean and Jerk
Minutes 1-5: 2 Squat Clean and Jerks
Minutes 5-15: 1 Squat Clean and Jerk
***Start with a weight that is about 55-65% of your 1 RM Clean & Jerk. Use this weight for the first 5 minutes. After that start adding weight on each minute, the goal is to work up to a heavy 1 RM. If you feel good and want to continue working towards a 1 RM after the 15 Minutes you can, but stick to the EMOM component. This is for moving heavy weight with limited rest!***

WOD: Ladder down (10-1)
Wallball 20#/14#
*After each round complete 5 OHS 95#/65#

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


WOD: For Time (25 Minute Time Cap)
15 Snatches 135#/95#
10 Muscle-ups (10 C2B + 10 Ring Dips)
15 Cleans 135#/95#
20 C2B
15 Jerks 135#/95#
30 T2B
15 Jerks 165#/115#
20 Burpees
15 Cleans 165#/115#
10 Muscle-ups (10 C2B + 10 Ring Dips)
15 Snatches 165#/115#


WOD 1: AMRAP 10 (Ascending ladder: 3/3, 6/6, 9/9, etc)
Box Jumps 24"/20" (no rebounding, step downs only)
Thrusters 105#/70#

-Rest as needed-

WOD 2: 4 rounds
1st minute: 7 Back Squats (rest remainder of the minute)
2nd minute: 5 Front Squats (rest remainder of the minute)
3rd minute: 7 Box Jumps 30"/24" (rest remainder of the minute)
*use the same weight for both BS and FS, you choose weight. Weight should be around 40-50% of your 1 RM BS. Goal here is to pick weight that allows you to complete all squats in under 30 seconds and not have to pause at the top.


Active Rest day:

15-20 minutes of something to get you sweating but nothing intense

30-60 minutes of stretching/rolling out/lacrosse ball work/barbell mashing/etc.

***Just a reminder, listen to your body. I am trying to get the volume correct but sometimes I might program more than you can handle. If you aren't feeling it, you can skip some stuff and, I promise, you will not suffer. However, YOU WILL SUFFER if you do too much and dig yourself into a hole. Almost to the Open so be smart***

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


EMOM for 7 Minutes: 2 Squat Snatches + 2 OHS

WOD: For Time
100 Wallballs 20#/14#
*EMOM stop and complete 20 Double-unders (not including the first minute)

A. 2x Max Effort Plank hold 45#/25# (rest 2 minutes between attempts)
B. Tabata Sit-ups


Gymnastics 1: 15 Minutes of Weakness work

WOD: For total reps

10 Deadlifts 135#/95#
7 Shoulder-to-Overhead 135#/95#

-Rest 4 Minutes

10 Shoulder-to-Overhead 115#/75#
7 T2B

-Rest 4 Minutes

4 Minute AMRAP
10 Power Cleans 95#/65#
7 Burpee Box Jumps 24"/20"

-rest as needed-

Gymnastics 2: 4 rounds (not for time)
Max strict HSPU + 5-7 kipping HSPU
5-7 C2B (focusing on efficiency and smoothness)
5-7 high hang squat snatches 95#/65# (focus on speed under the bar)
5-7 muscle-ups/transitions (focus on quality of movement)


Last week was a high volume week, so this week we are going to back off a little. Even if you are feeling good, fight the urge to do more than programmed.

Strength: 15 x 2 Back Squat Pyramid (No, that is not a typo)
*The approach is to start with a moderate weight and keep building in weight for the first 8 sets then start working your way back down. Here were my numbers for this: 225#-245#-265#-285#-305#-325#-335#-345#-335#-325#-305#-285#-265#-245#-225#
**As you progress back down the pyramid, try to limit your rest time in between sets

WOD: with a 14 Minute Clock
1 Minute Burpees
1 Minute Squats
2 Minutes Double Unders
1 Minute Squats
3 Minutes Push-ups
1 Minute Squats
4 Minutes Pull-ups
1 Minute Squats

Sunday, February 9, 2014


WOD: Complete in teams of 3 
100 Deadlifts 185#/135#
80 Hang Power Clean 185#/135#
60 Front Squats 185#/135#
40 Jerks 185#/135#
20 Thrusters 185#/135#
*Only one athlete working at a time*
**EMOM everyone stops and completes 5 burpees, not including the first minute**
***25 Minute Cap***

Highly recommend not doing this in teams of two but if it is a must, here is a recommended rep scheme: 70/55/40/30/15

WOD 2: Complete A, then B, then C, then D
A. Tabata Sit-ups
B. Tabata Double-Unders
C. Tabata Squats
D. Tabata Shoulder-to-Overhead 65#/55#
*Resting one minute between each A, B, C, and D


WOD 1: CrossFit Total
1 RM Back Squat
1 RM Strict Press
1 RM Deadlift
* I recommend doing it in that order, or complete it in the same order as the last time you did the Total and compare*

WOD 2: 21-15-9
Squat Snatch 95#/65#

Here is an article from former Navy Seal and CrossFit Games competitor Josh Bridges. He talks about having bad days in the gym and some strategies that will help you get out of the rut and headed in the right direction again. Here is a quick list of his strategies:

1. Do what you do best: "If you’ve been having a string a bad days, the best way to break that streak is to do something that you KNOW you can do pretty well. "

2. Change your mindset: "Realize that going to the gym should be fun. Most of us aren’t going to the Olympics, and we don’t have professional scouts on our doorstep offering to make us millionaires. So have some fun in the gym!"

3. Stop feeling sorry for yourself: "Do not walk into a workout feeling sorry for yourself. If you tell yourself a workout is going to suck . . . well, I bet you’re going to be right. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy."

4. Circle back: "Once you get back into a positive mindset and you’ve made training fun again, circle back and tackle those workouts that were causing you such grief."


1. Active Recovery: do something for 10-15 minutes to get your blood circulating

2. Mobility: 30 Minutes- 1 hour prioritizing trouble spots

Here is a great video on proper movement and full range of motion reps


15 Minutes of Weakness work

5 Minute AMRAP:
Squat Clean and Jerk 165#/115#



**Hey guys, thanks for continuing to post to the comments. One thing I just want to address quickly is that I see some negativity in some of your posts. I completely understand how some results can be disappointing at times or how frustrating it can be if there is something you struggle with. However, I don't want you to include any negative comments about yourself. I think this is extremely important for building confidence. Remind yourself that this is a process, success and improvement do not always happen overnight. By including such negativity you will start creating or reinforcing self doubt and when you approach a workout, or anything in life, with a negative attitude or expectation the outcome will not meet your goals.

Just remember, your attitude and approach are going to play a large part in determining success. By trying to see the good in everything and removing doubt or negativity, I think you will be more at ease.

Finally, here are some words from Aja Barto, CrossFit Games competitor, I think are great reminders of perspective: "The most successful people in our time are consistent. That means they are performing more times than not and that also means at times, their performance is shit. Do you think those rare instances keep them down? Nope. They instantaneously forget and move on. How they respond to failure is the catalyst to their future successes. It is how you respond to those days that you are "the bug" that will affect your current mood, attitude, mindset and even future performances.

Remember that your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions and your actions become your habit."

EMOM: Power Snatches
Minutes 1-3: 4 Touch-and-Go Power Snatches
Minutes 4-6: 3 Touch-and Go Power Snatches
Minutes 7-9: 2 Touch-and-Go Power Snatches
Minutes 10-12: 1 Power Snatch
*Goal is to progressively add weight, working towards a max Power Snatch 

WOD 1: 'Annie' 50-40-30-20-10

WOD 2: 5 Rounds
6 Burpees
9 Box Jumps 24"/20"
12 T2B
*Rest 90 Seconds between Rounds (Treat each round as a sprint!)


WOD 1: 18 Minute AMRAP
2000 M Row
21 Clean & Jerks 135#/95#
30 Muscle-ups (Modification: 30 C2B + 30 Ring Dips)

-Rest as Needed-

WOD 2: 4 Rounds
30 Seconds Max Effort Push-ups
30 Seconds Rest
30 Seconds Max Effort Strict Pull-ups
30 Seconds Rest
30 Seconds Max Effort Wallballs 20#/14#
30 Seconds Rest
30 Seconds Max Effort Deadlifts 225#/155#
30 Seconds Rest

Sunday, February 2, 2014


WOD: For Time
Straight legged deadlift 135#/95#
OHS 135#/95#

Then: 200 Double-unders for time
*Goal here is to rest long enough after the WOD to let yourself recover a little but you still want your heart rate to be elevated when you start the Double-unders


WOD: 4 Rounds 
1000 m Row 
90 Seconds rest

Strength: EMOM for 7 Minutes
7-10 HSPU + 5 Heavy Deadlifts (you choose weight)

Core: Tabata Hollow Rocks


1. Active Recovery: do something for 10-15 minutes to get your blood circulating

2. Mobility: 30 Minutes- 1 hour prioritizing trouble spots


Strength 1: Build to a heavy 2 rep snatch (drop from top, do not take more than 5 seconds to reset. If you need more time then it does not count)

Strength 2: 6 x 4 Back Squat

WOD: Cindy XXX, Complete as much as possible in 20 Minutes 
10 Pull-ups
20 Push-ups
30 Squats
15 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
45 Squats
20 Pull-ups
40 Push-ups
60 Squats
25 Pull-ups
50 Push-ups
75 Squats
30 Pull-ups
60 Push-ups
90 Squats


AMRAP 7: (Ascending ladder 3/3, 6/6, 9/9, etc.)
Thrusters 75#/55#

Strength: Build to a heavy 7 rep Strict Press

Gymnastics: 10 Min AMRAP L-sit hold 
*this is not accumulate 10 minutes, it means with a running clock see how much of the 10 minutes you can spend in the L-sit


1. EMOM for 5 Minutes: 2-4 Muscle-ups or muscle-up transitions
2. 30 Strict Pull-ups for time (C2B or Chin-over)

EMOM for 7 Minutes: 1 Squat Clean + 2 Front Squats + 1 Jerk

15 T2B
21 Deadlifts 135#/95#