Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Gymnastics 1: 15 Minutes of Weakness work

WOD: For total reps

10 Deadlifts 135#/95#
7 Shoulder-to-Overhead 135#/95#

-Rest 4 Minutes

10 Shoulder-to-Overhead 115#/75#
7 T2B

-Rest 4 Minutes

4 Minute AMRAP
10 Power Cleans 95#/65#
7 Burpee Box Jumps 24"/20"

-rest as needed-

Gymnastics 2: 4 rounds (not for time)
Max strict HSPU + 5-7 kipping HSPU
5-7 C2B (focusing on efficiency and smoothness)
5-7 high hang squat snatches 95#/65# (focus on speed under the bar)
5-7 muscle-ups/transitions (focus on quality of movement)


  1. Gymnastics 1: worked on butterfly pull-ups trying to get the rhythm down.

    WOD: Total reps of each AMRAP - 160

    1st AMRAP I got in four full rounds, but scaled DLs to 85# and Shoulder to OH to 65#
    2nd AMRAP I got 2 full rounds + through 3 t2b. Shoulder to over head I left at 65# and these really slowed me down. t2b felt REALLY good for me today!
    3rd AMRAP I got 2 full rounds + 1 burpee box jump. Did the power cleans at 65# and they felt great overall, legs were just really tired by this point. Burpees felt pretty miserable today. My legs were just done and my lower back & right hip flexor was tight from all the squats yesterday.

    Gymnastics 2: only got through 2 rounds because of time
    Still can't do a strict HSPU, so did 10 kipping.
    Can't do c2b, so worked on butterflys
    only used 35# for the high hang snatch
    Did negative pull-ups instead of MU work

    Dan, I've been trying to stay as close to Rx'ed weight as I can. Even scaling by 20 or 30 pounds is still sometimes pretty heavy for me, though. Would you rather me stay close to the Rx'ed weight or scale it back more to get through the WODs quicker? I definitely feel I am getting stronger by trying to stay close to Rx'ed weight, but I don't feel very quick or even explosive in the WODs or AMRAPS. Either way, I'm willing to do whatever you think is best at this point.

    1. Look at the weight to get an idea of whether the weight is supposed to be light, moderate, or heavy and try to go from there. For example. if there are power cleans at 135#/95# I would say that is intended to be relatively light (relative to competitive CrossFit) so take it down to a weight that you think is comparable. However, I would say you can always change it up. Maybe some days you go close to RX, even if you know you will go slower, just so you can work with the heavier weight. Other days, scale so to a weight that will allow you to get the desired stimulus

  2. Worked out at BCCF today - it was definitely a lighter day.

    4 Rds - 5 Snatch Grip RDL, 20 GHD sit-ups
    I started at 85# and worked up to 135# on the RDLs. GHD sit-ups felt pretty good, except that my lower back must be tight, it's tough to arch back and touch the ground with each rep.

    In teams of 2 (one completes a round while the other rests)
    -10 Rds of 10 C2B pull-ups each
    - 8 Rds of 8 HSPU each
    - 6 Rds of 200m sprint each

    My partner and I stopped at 70 C2B - we each tore and our C2B were turning into 1 or 2 at a time. I did each of the HSPU sets unbroken. Sprints were rough, I could definitely feel yesterday's squats in my hip flexors and my quads while running. But, fun to get outside a bit and was happy to have a teammate :).

  3. Nate Loback:

    1st AMRAP - 3 reps shy of 4 rounds at Rx Weight
    2nd AMRAP - 4 rounds at Rx Weight
    3rd AMRAP - Subed Burpee Box jumps with 24" Box. 40 reps in 4 mins. I know burpees and wall balls will be involved in the open, so working these in so they suck less!

    HSPU - 5 strict, 5 kipping. Felt I could do more strict but wanted to practice the transition for when I'm tired
    C2B - 5 butterfly C2B, no prob
    Squat Snatches - 5 @ 95#, really focusing on form and engaging my hamstrings. I remember when 95# felt heavy! When my shoulder and ankle mobility are good/loose these are feeling awesome. Still need to watch my L5 and keep my core tight.
    Muscle Ups - I was at 24 hr fitness, so I did bar muscle ups. I was getting between 3-5 unbroken each set.

  4. WOD- 1st AMRAP- 3 full rounds plus 16
    2nd AMRAP-3 full rounds plus 10
    3rd AMRAP-3 full rounds plus 1

    Strict HSPU are difficult for me, I did two each time but definitely need to work on them
    High hang snatches felt great
    Did C2B and muscle up progressions
