Sunday, February 9, 2014


1. Active Recovery: do something for 10-15 minutes to get your blood circulating

2. Mobility: 30 Minutes- 1 hour prioritizing trouble spots

Here is a great video on proper movement and full range of motion reps


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHA...I've been doing my cleans all wrong!

  2. **Yay!! Got my MUs yesterday at gymnastics and PR on my snatch today, it's a good week :)

    Did the comp class today at Backcountry

    Did 3 MUs before class (not linked)

    Worked to a heavy snatch and ended up with at 5# PR @ 120#!!!


    3 rounds - 10 Snatches @ 75#, 10 C2B

    rest 1 min

    3 rounds - 10 Cleans @ 75#, 10 T2B

    rest 1 min

    3 rounds - 15 heavy wall balls (20#), 3 burpee MUs

    Time Cap of 15 mins.

    I got to the MUs with over a min to spare, but couldn't get one - tried twice. Still, pretty happy to feel like I could make a good attempt. Looking forward to improving the C2B. I felt this workout the most in my grip.

    Core work:
    3 rounds
    - 1:00 plank hold
    - 20 GHD situps
