Sunday, February 9, 2014


WOD: Complete in teams of 3 
100 Deadlifts 185#/135#
80 Hang Power Clean 185#/135#
60 Front Squats 185#/135#
40 Jerks 185#/135#
20 Thrusters 185#/135#
*Only one athlete working at a time*
**EMOM everyone stops and completes 5 burpees, not including the first minute**
***25 Minute Cap***

Highly recommend not doing this in teams of two but if it is a must, here is a recommended rep scheme: 70/55/40/30/15

WOD 2: Complete A, then B, then C, then D
A. Tabata Sit-ups
B. Tabata Double-Unders
C. Tabata Squats
D. Tabata Shoulder-to-Overhead 65#/55#
*Resting one minute between each A, B, C, and D


  1. Did this (slightly different modification) on Tuesday, posted under Tuesday's WOD

  2. Ended up resting Saturday and only going to gymnastics on Sunday. My hip flexor was really tight and I'm fighting off a cold that my kids have so just decided to rest up, make sure I'm 100% going into the Open.
