Sunday, February 2, 2014


AMRAP 7: (Ascending ladder 3/3, 6/6, 9/9, etc.)
Thrusters 75#/55#

Strength: Build to a heavy 7 rep Strict Press

Gymnastics: 10 Min AMRAP L-sit hold 
*this is not accumulate 10 minutes, it means with a running clock see how much of the 10 minutes you can spend in the L-sit


  1. BCCF workout today.

    3-3-2-2-1-1 Strict Press - worked up to 100# which is a 5# PR, so was happy with that.

    WOD: 4 min AMRAP Squat Cleans (110#) - I got 29. Just paced myself, kept it slow and steady, didn't link any of them.

    5 min EMOM - max strict HSPUs - as many as you can without coming off the wall. I got 5-3-3-3-2. I used an abmat with 25s on each side. Definitely a little more challenging after the strict press.

    Then, 6 rds (1 min work, 1 min rest) - as many burpees as possible. I only got in 4 rounds before I had to pick up kids, but got 25, 25, 24, 21.

  2. Do you still want me to keep posting the workouts I'm doing with them?

  3. AMRAP:
    Only got 64 total reps. My back was really tight, so thrusters were hard. I twinged my back on the first few, so I took them really slow.

    Strength: 7 rep strict press at 50#. Shoulders are a huge weakness of mine; my 1RM is only 65#.

    Gymnastics: totally messed up and thought it was an L-hang, so did that for five minutes. Paul corrected me and showed me what L-sits were. I can't do L-sits, so Paul showed me a couple scaled options. I did another 5 mins of scaled L-sits. I could go 60-50 seconds with about 10-15 seconds of rest.
