Sunday, April 13, 2014

Saturday 4/19

WOD 1: 
10 C2B
20 Strict HSPU
30 DU
40 GHD sit-ups
30 DU
20 Strict HSPU
10 C2B

WOD 2: "Dork"
33 Front Squats, 185/125
15 Burpees
33 Deads, 185/125
15 Burpees
33 KBS, 70/53
15 Burpees

Michael "Dork" Kennedy was a Boston Firefighter who lost his life on March 26th on duty.  He was a CrossFit athlete and a coach at a Boston affiliate. This workout is in his memory.

Deliberate Practice: Why focus and concentration are important during your workout


  1. Did track day today instead, posting under Wednesday

  2. My legs were still hurting pretty bad from all the squats Friday, so I only did the partner WOD at CFKC. It was basically half an Angie with a 400m run and 20 burpees.
