A. 3 x 3 Squat Snatch
B. 2 x 3 Squat Snatch from the low hang (right below the knee)
C. 3 x 3 Snatch Pull (from the floor, 90%+ of Snatch 1RM; meant to be explosive and fast; once the velocity starts to slow do not add more weight)
*Goal is for weights to be challenging, but do not sacrifice technique
WOD: Fight Gone Bad (Score = total reps)
3 Rounds
1 Min Wallball 20#/14#
1 Min SDHP 75#/55#
1 Min Box Jumps 20" (Guys and Girls)
1 Min Push Press 75#/55#
1 Min Row for Calories
1 Min Rest
Rested today and went to Gymnastics