Thursday, March 13, 2014


WOD: 14.3, AMRAP 8 (see description here)
Box Jumps 24"/20"
*No need to start out fast, or you will burn out. This is about pacing. Do not attempt to do too many deadlifts unbroken or you will spike your lactic acid. Also, try to hold good form on deadlifts for as long as possible. The standards allow for you to do stup-ups onto the box, so that is something to consider. That method will settle your heart rate and save the posterior chain for the deadlifts.

Recovery from 14.3: Mobility WOD

A. Build to a Heavy 7 Rep Bench (Compare to 1/29)
B. Incline Bench Dumbbell Row: 3 x 10, 2 second pause at top (focus on engaging muscles in upper back)

For Time: 50 Strict HSPU
*If that is too many, scale to 30

1 comment:

  1. Did 14.3 - got 130 (through the 4th round of DLs and Box Jumps). Pretty ok with that since heavy deads are a weakness.

    Fridays are always so crazy, I haven't been able to make time to lift after. So, I didn't do any of the extra stuff. Considering how I felt on the HSPUs Saturday, I'm glad I didn't try to do 30 strict HSPUs. But, I know I need to get this stuff in, will make more of an effort next week.
