A. AMRAP 10:
15 T2B
12 Squat Cleans 135#/95#
9 Shoulder-to-Overhead 135#/95#
-rest 5 Minutes-
-rest 5 Minutes-
3 Bear Complex 135#/95#
2 Rope Climbs
3 Wall Walks/Climbs
*Do Not Pace Part A for Part B. Go hard on Part A, have fun on Part B (sadistic? maybe)
**For the T2B, Squat Cleans, & Shoulder-to-Overhead: Make it a goal to do as many unbroken as possible. I know this isn't the best strategy for maximizing rounds, but the goal here is to push your muscular endurance.
Strength: EMOM x 10
2 Back Squats (do not use a belt)
ReplyDeleteA. 3 rounds - first two rounds of T2B were unbroken, then the last set were 5s and 3s - my grip really got taxed. Squat cleans started to feel heavy on this one too, plus, noticed my grip holding onto the bar. First round was 8 unbroken, next rounds were less. And S2OH started out unbroken, then 3s the next two rounds.
B. 2 Rounds plus 2 Bear Complex - all Bear Complex were unbroken. My forearms were definitely blowing up after A. and B.
Back Squat: Did these at 155#, which might have been a little light, but they felt challenging today.
For some reason I felt totally wiped after today's workout. Not sure if I'm coming down with something, not enough rest, not enough food, but something felt off today. And, my hands are definitely sore. We have new Speal bars at the gym and they are awesome because I can hang on, but they are kinda tearing up our hands - between MUs, T2B and pull-ups. No new tears, but just sore. And...I think that's about it for my whining tonight ;). Going to get some rest and a new attitude tonight.
ReplyDeleteA. completed full 2 rounds plus 5 T2B
T2B were unbroken
Cleans- I have some hip flex issue right now, so I took these slow, it hurts to squat so I am taking it easy so that I am ready for the next open SOD
S2OH-I did 7 the first round unbroken. Then dropped to 5 the second round
B. Did 1 full round and ended the second round just after the 2 rope climbs.
Bear complex felt good, just the squatting right now is a little rough.
Back Squats I did these at 155#, which was on the lighter side, but once again, hip flexor is a little sore so did not want to go to hard.
I am with Liz, hands have been really sore lately, and today was a rough day, tired overall today. I did not get much sleep last night so I am sure that is one of the reasons. I also think I too am not eating as much as I should. Will try to work on this. I know that each day is different so I am trying to just stay positive, but I am struggling a litter after my first two Open WODS. Not sure why I am feeling this way. Struggling working out by my self as well. Did two of pauls last week to jump back in with others. Helped a little. Any suggestions on how to push myself when I am by myself and to get out of this funk would be greatly appreciated.