WOD: two options
Option A: 14.1 redo. I recommend breaking up the snatches early and often. Try to do 2-3 sets on each round of snatches to start, otherwise, it will catch up to you around the 4-5 minute mark.
Option B: 5 x 90 Second AMRAP
5 burpees
7 Power cleans 95#/65#
9 Push Jerk 95#/65#
Max Effort Wallballs remainder of 90 seconds 20#/14#
*Rest 4 minutes between efforts
EMOM for 10 Minutes: 1 Squat Clean & Push Jerk + 1 Hang Squat Clean & Split Jerk
*You choose the weight, start at a light-moderate weight and attempt to add weight with each minute
Gymnastics: EMOM 10 minutes
Minutes 1-3: 5 burpees + 5-8 C2B
Minutes 4-7: 5 burpees + 10 T2B
Minutes 8-10: 5 burpees + 5-8 C2B
*This is our volume day for the week*
So.... My first round was Friday night, and I got 266 reps. I tried the strategy that backcountry suggested (resting in the split times if I had enough of it). Did not work for me. I did it a second time on sunday, and improved to 302. I kept a consistent pace and felt great afterwards. But then I thought I could improve on that number (and I still do, but oh well. Gonna try and crush 14.2). I did it a third time on Monday morning, with some faster snatches. Bad idea, I went out way too fast and burned myself out. Did 300 that time. And my calves and forearms were a lot more sore than I thought.
ReplyDeleteI redid 14.1 today too. Got 309, 39 reps more than last time, pretty happy with that! Patrick, I can't believe you did it 3 times - I don't want to see that workout again for a long while!
ReplyDeleteAfter, I had the chance to lift with Becky and Meredith, so I took it. Here is what we did:
10x2 box squats (75%-90% of 1RM back squat) with 3 L-hang pull-ups between each set of squats. I stuck with 80% because I was really trying to make sure I did the box squats right and didn't shift forward and load my quads. I also switched to just strict pull-ups after the first round because my legs were dropping quite a bit on my L.
5 rounds NFT
20 sit-ups
10 hip extensions
6 hollow rock to superman
I think I'll try to do the clean and jerk work tomorrow, maybe the gymnastics too, depending on what Steve has programmed for tomorrow for the comp workout.
Did 14.1 on Friday. Only did this WOD once - my L5 is sketchy with several repetitive snatches. Scored 291 and pissed I couldn't get those last 9 in! Overall, pretty happy with the result. Watching the video, I need to make sure I watch the clock more during the WODS, and pay attention to timing my breaks and pacing intentionally.
ReplyDeleteThis was Nate:)