Monday, March 3, 2014


WOD: 10 Rounds For Time
7 C2B 
7 Thrusters 95#/65#

Alternating EMOM x 12
Even: 1-3 Muscle-ups or Muscle-up Transitions
Odd: 1 High Hang Squat Snatch (from the hip, dip and drop) + 1 Hang Squat Snatch

1 comment:

  1. Nate Loback:

    I did yesterdays workout today. I did heavy weighted triples on Sunday - DB Bench, Weighted Pull Ups and Weighted Dips - so my shoulders are smoked! Yesterdays programming seemed like a good fit for where I'm at.

    didn't actually count reps on the 5 minute amraps - was focusing on my energy level starting out and how it felt through the 5 minutes. went out too fast on DL and burpees, felt I was resting too much and not at the right times...just felt like I was DRAGGING bad!

    2nd amrap - pace was better, and found a rhythm taking a brief pause at the top of the box every time. all FS were unbroken but paused at the top a few times. Felt better than first AMRAP, but felt my energy to PUSH was just not there....not sure why - maybe a long day of meetings...bleh.

    Skipped squats to keep my legs fresh for 14.2 and did a few rounds of strict deficit HSPU. Wanted to get some of those in case they show up tomorrow.
