Thursday, May 29, 2014

Saturday 5/31

A. Build to a Heavy Squat Snatch
B. Build to a Heavy Squat Clean & Jerk

Strength: Squats
a. Box Squat: 10 x 2 @ 50% 1 RM (explosive and fast)
b. 10 RM Back Squat


5 Strict Pull-ups
10 KB Swings 70#/53#
15 GHD Sit-ups

-Rest 5 Minutes-

5 Strict Chin-ups
10 T2B
25 DU

-Rest 5 Minutes-

15 Calorie Airdyne
30 Strict HSPU
*Remainder of the time, Max Burpee Box Jumps 30"/24"

Friday 5/30

Strength: Deadlift
A. 2 reps @ 95% 
B. Every 2 Minutes for 6 Minutes:  3 reps @ 70%
* Remember the percentages are based on your Max + 30#

A. 7 Sets: 1 Snatch DL ( to the hip) + 1 Hang Squat Snatch (above knee)
B. 5 x 2 Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push Press

5 Bar Muscle-ups
10 Thrusters 135#/95#

Monday, May 26, 2014

Wednesday 5/28

a. 5 sets: 2 Position Squat Snatch (Knee, Floor)
b. EMOM x 10: 1 Squat Clean & Jerk
c. Front Squat: 3 x 3, (all three sets heavy but they do not have to be the same)

Gymnastics EMOM x 7: 6 C2B

21 Snatches 155#/115#
-rest 3 Minutes-
15 Snatches 155#/115#
-rest 3 Minutes-
9 Snatches 155#/115#
*When scaling, do not go too light

Tuesday 5/27

NC Lab Track Workout of the Week:
3 rounds:  3x600m with 45sec rest between intervals and 4min rest between rounds

Track Workout Pace Targets:

Mile PR Time/600m Pace Target Range


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Monday 5/26

Happy Memorial Day

Complex, 7 Sets: 1 Snatch DL (below knee) + 1 Snatch DL (hip) + 1 High Hang Squat Snatch
*This is intended for you to feel the positions. You lift weight one of two ways, technique and speed under the bar. If you're positioning is off, you won't move the weight well
**Pause for 1 second in each position. When you do the Snatch DL to the hip, you should pause with a slight bend in the knee and vertical torso, mimicking the high hang position, and you shouldn't have to adjust anything for the high hang squat snatch
***The High Hang Snatch will be the limiter. This is more about technique and speed than weight.

WOD: Murph
1 Mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
*You may partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. if you have a 20# vest, wear it.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Saturday 5/24

a. 10 x 1 Squat Clean & Jerk
b. EMOM x 5: 1 High Hang Squat Snatch + 4 OHS 
c. Bench: 5 x 3

a. Build to a heavy single Front Squat
b. 3 x 3 Back Squat

WOD: 10 Rounds
1 Minute of Rowing (for calories)
Rest 15 Seconds
30 Seconds of Ring Dips
Rest 15 Seconds
30 Seconds of OHS 115#/75#
Rest 30 Seconds

Friday 5/23

Strength: Deadlift
A. 2 reps @ 90% 
B. Every 2 Minutes for 6 Minutes:  3 reps @ 75%
* Remember the percentages are based on your Max + 30#
**Since we are in the getting towards the end of this deadlift cycle, we will do this progression on Friday so you have the benefit of a recovery day before pulling such a high percentage of your target 1 RM.

Every 2 Minutes for 16 Minutes:
5 RDL's
5 Bent over Rows
5 Strict Weighted Chin-ups
5 Good Mornings
*You choose weight, should be challenging but do not sacrifice technique


A. 3 Rounds
1:00 Max Handstand Walk
1:00 Rest

-rest 2:00 Minutes-

B. 3 Rounds
30 DU
20 Deadlifts 185#/135#
10 Burpees over the bar

Thursday 5/22

Active Recovery

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Wednesday 5/21

a. EMOM x 10: 1 Squat Snatch
b. 5 Sets: 1 High Hang Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean
c. Front Squat: 3 x 3, 5# heavier than last week

A. MU Progression work
B. 7 x 5 Unbroken C2B: Rest :30 between sets

WOD: 10 Rounds
1 Minute Airdyne
Rest 15 Seconds
30 Seconds Strict Pull-ups
Rest 15 Seconds
*You should be challenging yourself on the airdyne

Tuesday 5/20

Track Day Courtesy of NC Lab

A. 3x400m w/ 4min rest between efforts
 Details:  Sprint 50m, easy jog 50m (just above walking pace), repeat until you complete 400m, rest 4min…perform 2 more rounds.

Rest 2 additional minutes

B. 3x(200m, 100m, 100m) with 4min rest between efforts
 Details:  Run 200m at a hard tempo (90% perceived exertion), easy jog 100m (just above walking pace), and end with a 100m sprint.  Then rest 4min…perform 2 more rounds

Monday 5/19

a. 5 Sets: 2 Snatch Pull + 1 High Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch
b. EMOM x 5: 2 Clean and Jerks
c. Back Squat: Build to a Heavy Double
d. Back Squat: 4 x 7

WOD: Amanda, 9-7-5
Squat Snatches 135#/95#

If you Cannot do MU: 3 Rounds
10 Ring Dip
10 C2B
7 Squat Snatch 135#/95#

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Saturday 5/17

WOD 1: JT, 21-15-9
Ring Dip
*Compare to 3/15

WOD 2: Nukes
A. 8 minutes to complete:
1-mile run
Deadlifts 315#/205#, max reps in remaining time

B. Then, 10 minutes to complete:
1-mile run
Power cleans 225#/155#, max reps in remaining time

C. Then, 12 minutes to complete:
1-mile run
Overhead squats 135#/95#, max reps in remaining time

Friday 5/16

a. EMOM x 5: 1 Clean Pull + 1 Hang Squat Clean (below knee)
b. 5 sets: 2 Behind the Neck Split Jerks
c. Back Squat: 6 x 4

A. 4 x Max Unbroken MU, Rest as needed

WOD: For Time
80 DU
60 Cal Row
40 C2B
20 Squat Snatches 135#/85#

Thursday 5/15

Active Recovery

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Wednesday 5/14

a. 5 sets: 2 Snatch Pulls + 1 Hang Squat Snatch (bar starts below knee)
b. EMOM x 10: 1 Squat Clean & Jerk
c. Front Squat: 3 x 3, across
*Add 5# to the weight you used 2 weeks ago

Strength: Deadlift
A. 2 reps @ 85% 
B. Every 2 Minutes for 6 Minutes:  3 reps @ 70%
* The EMOM involves speed sets meaning the bar should move as fast as possible
**Remember the percentages are based on your Max + 30#

WOD: 4 Rounds
25 Wallballs 20#/14#
5 Power Cleans 185#/135#
3 Rope Climbs
*rest 90 Seconds between sets

Tuesday 5/13

Track Day!

"The primary focus of our track workouts is the development of an efficient aerobic energy system. Endurance training involves manipulation of intensity, duration, and recovery.  The majority of our intervals are at sub-threshold intensities. These controlled intensities create programming balance while targeting improved performances at longer durations.   As a byproduct, we are producing smaller volumes of lactate at higher intensities and, more importantly, we are removing higher volumes of accumulated lactate and other metabolites from the bloodstream.  This ultimately translates into our CrossFit performances."- Chris Hinshaw

 Workout: 3 Rounds

1000m (sub-threshold)
-15 seconds rest-

400m easy jog 

300m (85-88%)
-60 seconds rest-

200m (88-90%)
-60 seconds rest-

100m (90-92%)
-60 seconds rest-

Monday 5/12

a. EMOM x 10: 1 Squat Snatch
b. 5 sets: 2 Clean Pull + 1 Hang Squat Clean (bar starts right below knee)
c. Back Squat: 7 x 5

As you can tell, there is no prescription for percentages. Here is some advice from Glenn Pendlay for choosing weight:
"attempt to work as heavy as possible, but no heavier than a weight that you have consistently good form using...It is easy to get carried away adding weight and ruin the position or tempo of your lifts, it is also easy to be too cautious, and not try hard enough to add weight to the bar.  To minimize mistakes in either direction, I recommend the following:  After each exercise, think about how many lifts you were happy with, and demonstrated good position and tempo with, and how many you either missed outright, or demonstrated poor technique with.  Out of every 10 lifts, 7 or 8 should be good lifts.  2-3 can be misses or lifts you are less than happy with... if you consistently do 10 out of 10 perfectly, you could probably stand to push the weight up a little harder.  If you consistently do 5 good lifts against 5 bad ones, you probably need to back off a bit."

A. MU Progression work
B. 7 x 5 Unbroken C2B: Rest :30 between sets

10 Strict HSPU
20 Strict Pull-ups
10 GHD Sit-ups

Sunday 5/11

Rest Day: Happy Mothers' Day!!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Saturday 5/10

A. MU Progressions
B. 7 x 5 Unbroken C2B: Rest :40 between sets

Strength: Build to a 3 RM Thruster 

WOD: Justin, 30-20-10
Bodyweight Back Squats
Bodyweight Bench Press
Strict Pull-ups
*If the number of strict pull-ups is too high, scale down but make sure you do strict pull-ups not kipping. Scale the weight on the bench press if it is too heavy, not the reps.

Friday 5/9

A. EMOM x 10: Hang Power Clean Hold + Push Jerk
B. Snatch Pull: 5 x 2 @ 105% of 1 RM Snatch
*The Hang Power Clean Hold means you hold the bar in the hang position, just above the knee, for 10 seconds then complete the clean. Feel the position and really emphasize holding everything static and engaged.

Gymnastics: 15-12-9 Strict HSPU
*15 GHD Sit-ups after each set

WOD: 3 Rounds
400 m Run
21 Burpees

Thursday 5/8

Recovery Day

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Wednesday 5/7

Track Session

A. 1 Mile Time Trial (Fast!!!)

-rest as needed-

B. Every 3 minutes: 3 x 400m Run 
*This part is about proper pacing. You want to push yourself hard, but not so much that your times experience a significant dropoff. Attempt to keep times within 5 seconds of each other.

Tuesday 5/6

WOD: "The Chief" 
5 Rounds, AMRAP 3
3 Power Cleans 135#/95#
6 Push-ups
9 Squats
* Rest 1 Minute between rounds

Strength 1: Deadlift 
A. 3 x 3 @ 80% 
B. Every 2 Minutes for 6 Minutes:  3 reps @ 65%
* The EMOM involves speed sets meaning the bar should move as fast as possible
**Remember the percentages are based on your Max + 30#

Strength 2: 2 Rounds 
20 RDL 185#/135# - with minimal knee bend descend to just below knees, no lower.
-rest 1 Minute-

20 Partial Deadlifts 185#/135# - pull from the floor to above the knees, no higher.
-rest 30 Seconds-

20 Ring Rows
-rest 30 Seconds-

20 Deadlifts 185#/135#
-rest 1 Minute-

20 Sumo Deadlifts 185#/135#
Rest 2 Minutes between rounds

Monday 5/5

A. EMOM x 7: 3 TnG Power Snatches
B. Snatch Balance: Build to a Heavy Double 
*Emphasize speed to the bottom, not so much about the weight. We want to get to the bottom fast, we do not want it to be slow and look like a snatch push press to OHS

Gymnastics: Two Options
A. MU Progressions
B. 4 x 5 Unbroken MU

Strength: 10 RM Strict Press

WOD: For Time 
100 Pull-ups
100 Wallballs 20#/14#

Sunday 5/4

Rest Day

Hey guys, if you could just comment on this post that would be awesome. I just want to get a feel for where everyone is including what is working, what isn't, etc. Let me know of any progress and PR's you have hit, or of any concerns you may have. I will shape the programming accordingly. Thanks!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Saturday 5/3

Strength: Squats
A. Build to a 3 RM Back Squat
B. 3 x 3 at a weight less than your 3 RM
C. 10 x 2 Back Squats 185#/125# (focus on moving the bar as fast as possible. Be comfortable with a fast decent and explode on the ascent 

OHS 115#/75#
GHD sit-up
*2 Rope Climbs after each round

Friday 5/2

A. Find a 1 RM Squat Clean & Jerk
B. 4 x 2 Squat Clean & Jerk @ 70% of A

WOD: "Jackie"
1000 m Row
50 Thrusters 45# (guys and girls)
30 Pull-ups

A. MU Progression
B. 7 x 5 Unbroken C2B: Rest :50 between sets

Thursday 5/1

Recovery Day