a. EMOM x 10: 1 Squat Snatch
b. 5 sets: 2 Clean Pull + 1 Hang Squat Clean (bar starts right below knee)
c. Back Squat: 7 x 5
As you can tell, there is no prescription for percentages. Here is some advice from Glenn Pendlay for choosing weight:
"attempt to work as heavy as possible, but no heavier than a weight that you have consistently good form using...It is easy to get carried away adding weight and ruin the position or tempo of your lifts, it is also easy to be too cautious, and not try hard enough to add weight to the bar. To minimize mistakes in either direction, I recommend the following: After each exercise, think about how many lifts you were happy with, and demonstrated good position and tempo with, and how many you either missed outright, or demonstrated poor technique with. Out of every 10 lifts, 7 or 8 should be good lifts. 2-3 can be misses or lifts you are less than happy with... if you consistently do 10 out of 10 perfectly, you could probably stand to push the weight up a little harder. If you consistently do 5 good lifts against 5 bad ones, you probably need to back off a bit."
A. MU Progression work
B. 7 x 5 Unbroken C2B: Rest :30 between sets
10 Strict HSPU
20 Strict Pull-ups
10 GHD Sit-ups