Sunday, May 4, 2014

Tuesday 5/6

WOD: "The Chief" 
5 Rounds, AMRAP 3
3 Power Cleans 135#/95#
6 Push-ups
9 Squats
* Rest 1 Minute between rounds

Strength 1: Deadlift 
A. 3 x 3 @ 80% 
B. Every 2 Minutes for 6 Minutes:  3 reps @ 65%
* The EMOM involves speed sets meaning the bar should move as fast as possible
**Remember the percentages are based on your Max + 30#

Strength 2: 2 Rounds 
20 RDL 185#/135# - with minimal knee bend descend to just below knees, no lower.
-rest 1 Minute-

20 Partial Deadlifts 185#/135# - pull from the floor to above the knees, no higher.
-rest 30 Seconds-

20 Ring Rows
-rest 30 Seconds-

20 Deadlifts 185#/135#
-rest 1 Minute-

20 Sumo Deadlifts 185#/135#
Rest 2 Minutes between rounds


  1. Going to do this one on Wed, Tuesday ended up being more of a rest day

  2. Jen and I got to do the Chief together (on Wed), it was good!
    I scaled to 85# and did a LOT of push-ups on my knees because my arms and shoulders hurt so bad from the pull-ups and wall balls the day before. Squats were no problem. The last round was rough.

    R1: 75 reps
    R2: 68 reps
    R3: 72 reps
    R4: 66 reps
    R5: 62 reps

    Strength 1:
    A. 3x3 @ 80% (155#) These felt really heavy today and I could not do them TnG.
    B. 3 @ 65% (125#) These were good and the fastest I've done these in, 5 seconds each round.

    Strength 2: I only did one round, my back was hurting and my hands were still raw & ripped from the pull-ups the day before. I also had to scale this to 120#, down to 110# for the Sumos, I just couldn't pull it off the floor in that position. I got one round done under 13 minutes with accurate rest times.

  3. WOD: "The Chief"
    This was actually really fun. I was able to get through 5 rounds (90 reps) each time and got 5 +3 (93) on rounds 3 and 5. All movements were unbroken. Probably could have gotten after the cleans a bit harder, or pushed through to the end better - usually I would finish round 5 with about 7 seconds left and didn't try to pick up the bar again except for those two rounds.

    Strength 1: Deadlift
    A. 3 x 3 @ 80% - 205# - these went pretty well after I got the bar off the floor
    B. Every 2 Minutes for 6 Minutes: 3 reps @ 65% - 165# - as usual, the first pull was a little slow, but was able to speed it up after that

    *did a couple more rounds of 125 DUs with Meredith - best time was 1:37

    Strength 2: 2 Rounds - this was terrible for me! I didn't time it, it was enough for me to get through both rounds. My grip was killing me on these and my ass and hamstrings were smoked.
    20 RDL 185#/135# - to just below knees - when I started off, I thought each of these sets was meant to be unbroken - not possible for me today, so these were 10 and 10 and I really felt it in my lats in addition to my PC
    -rest 1 Minute-
    20 Partial Deadlifts 185#/135# - pull to above the knees - I think these were 10 and 10 also
    -rest 30 Seconds-
    20 Ring Rows - my lats were not very helpful at this point, I struggled to do 10, 5, 5 on the first round, the second round I was able to do 10, 10
    -rest 30 Seconds-
    20 Deadlifts 185#/135# - these were 5s, I believe
    -rest 1 Minute-
    20 Sumo Deadlifts 185#/135# - these were actually a lot easier for me than any of the other exercises, I think I did 15,5

    After all of that, I was exhausted, but did do a little handstand walk work on ascending plates like Sam Briggs posted.

    *Oh, and I am really sore in my lats, glutes and hamstrings the day after this workout.

  4. Anytime there is accessory work like all the DL from today, feel free to use straps to save your forearms.

  5. WOD: "The Chief"
    5 Rounds, AMRAP 3
    3 Power Cleans 135#/95#
    6 Push-ups
    9 Squats
    * Rest 1 Minute between rounds

    1.) 90
    2.) 90
    3.) 90
    4.) 90
    5.) 91

    Strength 1: Deadlift
    A. 3 x 3 @ 80% - 330
    B. Every 2 Minutes for 6 Minutes: 3 reps @ 65% - 295
    * The EMOM involves speed sets meaning the bar should move as fast as possible
    **Remember the percentages are based on your Max + 30#

    - I was at work, we got a call and I couldn't finish the rest.
