a. 5 sets: 2 Position Squat Snatch (Knee, Floor)
b. EMOM x 10: 1 Squat Clean & Jerk
c. Front Squat: 3 x 3, (all three sets heavy but they do not have to be the same)
Gymnastics EMOM x 7: 6 C2B
21 Snatches 155#/115#
-rest 3 Minutes-
15 Snatches 155#/115#
-rest 3 Minutes-
9 Snatches 155#/115#
*When scaling, do not go too light
5/28 - I did most of this workout, but subbed a different WOD.
a. 5 sets: 2 Position Squat Snatch (Knee, Floor) - felt a little awkward at first, since I've been doing so much work from the hang. I worked up to 115#
b. EMOM x 10: 1 Squat Clean & Jerk - worked up to 135# - getting out of the bottom was rough today.
c. Front Squat: 3 x 3, - These felt to heavy today!! I did the first two sets at 155#, and the third set I did at 165# and failed the last set! Not sure why I was so weak today...
Gymnastics EMOM x 7: 6 C2B - Started these out and was doing well, but a tear from last week cracked and it just got too uncomfortable, so I went to strict chin-over for the last 2 rounds.
Because I was feeling so weak, I opted to do the Airdyne/pull-up workout from earlier in the week.
10 Rounds
-1 min ME Airdyne - kept this to 25 cals/round
-15 secs rest
-30 secs strict pull-ups (I subbed ring rows because of my hand)
-15 secs rest
I didn't do this today, but here's what I did do:
ReplyDeleteTGU, finding 1RM:
My right arm is definitely stronger and I could do 40# with it. Only got 35# with my left arm. Haven't done these in months, though. The last time I tested a 1RM for these was January and I only got 30# each arm, so some progress. Likely more if I were to work on them regularly.
100 TTR for time (every drop off the rings=3 burpees) 10:58
My issue on these and T2B is still my hands get raw really easily.
14 C&J @ 75#
14 Bar facing burpees
11:01 (wanted closer to 10 mins, but was tired in my OH)