Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thursday 5/8

Recovery Day

1 comment:

  1. I did the regular class at Backcountry today because I usually have to leave before comp class gets going on the WOD. Unfortunately, today was a day when they got started a little more quickly, so I ended up doing both.

    - "Isabel" Rx - 4:32 PR for me. I did them all in singles and was aiming for under 5. In another couple of months, I think I can get into the 3s.
    - "Annie" Rx - 5:39 - I can tell I haven't been doing too many sit-ups lately

    Then, as part of comp class -
    Strict HSPU
    Power Cleans @ 110#
    BF Burpees
    Not sure on the time, because I was going after someone, but it took me a while. The strict HSPUs were sets of 3 in the round of 9, then 3, 1,1,1 in the round of 6 and 1,1,1 in the round of 3.

    49 Pull-ups
    7 OHS @ 115#
    Right around 3:30 - again, I was going after someone, so I'm not sure of my exact split. All of my time was taken up by the pull-ups, OHS were unbroken. I'd like to try this one again, and I'm sure we will.
