Sunday, December 22, 2013


Rest Day: Training CrossFit vs. CrossFit as a Sport

"I think my friend Pat Sherwood says it perfectly. “The goal is just to get fit, make it the best hour of your day, stay safe, turn up the music, high five some people, and blow off some steam. So remember that. RELAX. HAVE FUN. WORKOUT.

If you’ve chosen to seriously choose CrossFit as a sport at an elite level, buckle up. It’s quite the ride."

Here is an article on Bulgarian Style Training. Although we are not following this protocol, though we might do a cycle in the future, there is an important excerpt that discuss adjusting to training and how your body will feel. Most of you have mentioned in your comments how weights are feeling heavy. I believe that you are adjusting to the volume of squatting three days a week. Obviously we have to monitor the volume of WODs and accessory work we do so we do not overtrain, but understanding your body is key:

"I’ll warn you up front that you will most likely need a few weeks to adjust, and while that’s happening you may feel pretty bad. Symptoms will vary, but at the minimum you might expect persistent low-grade soreness, lethargy and loss of motivation, irritability, and ‘the mystery pain’. Once your tissues adapt to regular training, cytokines stop signaling the brain to feel bad, and you’ll tend to feel better (at least in my personal experience).

I’m coming to the conclusion that this first round of feeling bad, what Broz calls the ‘dark times’, is not actually overtraining or it’s friend staleness. You’re adjusting, the same way you’d adjust to a new job as a laborer. When you first started lifting weights, you probably felt pretty awful for a few days after your workout. Did that mean you shouldn’t lift again because you felt bad? Of course not. CNS fatigue is the nervous system’s version of DOMS.

Overtraining and staleness are very real and something we should look out for, but we can’t rely on feeling bad to tell us when this is happening. Under Abadjiev, the Bulgarians unloaded one week out of every four, and, for part of the year, they’d use unloading cycles with one hard week and three easy weeks. "

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