Friday, December 27, 2013


Every 90 seconds: 2 Position Snatch (floor, mid hang)
A. 2 sets @ 77%
B. 2 sets @ 81%

Back Squat
A. 4 reps @ 85%
B. 4 reps @ 85%
C. 4 reps @ 85%
D. 3 reps @ 85%
E. 3 reps @ 85%

Snatch Pull: 5 x 5 @ 96%

Tabata Shoulder-to-Overhead 135#/95#
- Immediately into-
50 T2B
50 Russian KB Swings 70#/53# (Russian KB Swings are to eye level, not overhead)


  1. Every 90sec snatch: There was no time set for this so I did it for 12 minutes.
    B- 185#
    These felt great. I was able to power snatch all these without trouble.

    Back Squat: Short on time in the mornings, but knocked these out. All reps performed at 315#.

    Snatch Pull: Again, short on time, but did 2 sets with 225#.

    WOD: Tabata score=6 reps (first 2 rounds were 9, but fell off in the 3rd round)
    Final time was 8:38. T2B were rough, I was able to link 10 for the first 3 rounds, then dropped down to 5's until 50. The KB swings were light.

  2. Was on the road, so had to WOD first, then lift. Did JT - 21-15-9 HSPU, Ring Dips, Push-ups in almost 12 mins.

    Then did Back Squats - felt much better with my shoes and stuff, got through all 5 sets at 155# - was tough, but do-able.

    Then tried Snatches - got the first 2 rounds at 77%, but when I tried to go up in weight, I was having trouble locking out - I think my triceps were just completely fatigued after that WOD.
