Monday, December 2, 2013


*****Since everyone sounds confused I will try to switch back to sets first, then reps******

****Luke had a question about why we use percentages in training so I have provided a link that helps answer that but I will also try to help.

Especially for the olympic lifts, which are mainly about speed and technique, percentage based training helps you naturally progress while focusing on those two factors (speed + technique). Rather than always working heavy weight and ingraining poor mechanics, you are able to build a solid technical base from which to advance. Second, percentages will help prevent you from continuously overloading your body with weights close to your max. For example, Prilepin's chart allows you to get stronger while working sub maximal loads so you do not overload your neurological system and give your body time to recover. Here is a link to an article from Louie Simmons at Westside Barbell concerning the importance of percentages in his programming for powerlifters- Percentage Training: What is it really?

Every 90 seconds for 9 minutes: 1 Power Clean + 2 Squat Cleans
A. 3 sets @ 65%
B. 3 sets @ 70%

Olympic Lifting: Snatch Balance (percentage off squat snatch 1RM)
A. 2 x 3 @ 60%
B. 3 reps @ 65%
C. 2 x 2 @ 70%

Strength: Every 2 minutes for 10 Minutes: Push Press
5 reps @ 75%

A. 10 Rounds
10 second airdyne (ALL OUT! Make sure you have a 'running start for these 10 seconds. That is, make sure you are not going from a dead stop in order to get the desired effect)
50 seconds rest

Rest As Needed

B. For Time: 25 Strict HSPU 

Rest As Needed

C. For Time: 45 HSPU


  1. Thanks for all the info on todays and tomorrows posting!

    A: 145#, felt good and strong
    B: 160#, still felt good. I really like working clean and squat clean more importantly. I still try to muscle up some clean weight, especially if it's C+J so working squat clean gives me confidence to do more weight

    Snatch Balance:
    B: 115#
    C: 125# felt good on all of these, working on keeping elbows up and hands back at the catch to feel more stable

    115#, it felt a bit light but nice to work on form and feel confident

    A:Much harder than I expected! peddled slow in the 50 seconds off just to keep it going

    B: 4:30, did the first 10 unbroken then it was sets of 2 or 3 the rest of the way. While I was disappointed in this time I can tell I'm getting much stronger/more confident on this

    C: ran out of time

  2. Clean:
    A. 115#
    B. 125#
    Felt good on all of these. I'm getting a lot more confident with my squats and form feels good. I know as long as I keep it up the weight will go up too.

    Snatch Balance:
    A. 95#
    B. 105#
    C. 110#
    That being said about squats, I do still struggle with these. They are much better, but I do something to throw my weight forward. I think it has to do with how I am holding the weight, turning my arms out (or not turning them out), etc. Still seeing improvement though, and I'll keep trying to figure it out.

    115# Felt a bit light, but it was 75% and I wasn't about to go over the recommended with 70 HSPU coming up. I worked on keeping my elbows up and resting the bar across my shoulders during the down position. I'm finding it so much easier already by doing this, and use my legs much more than my shoulders.

    A. Well this was surprisingly hard. I maintained about 120 RPM for the first few rounds and could only hit 110-113 RPM for the last few. I was expecting to be winded, but wasn't expecting the fatigue. Good set.

    B. 3:56 I went 10 unbroken and then sets of 4. Was hard, but not too bad.

    C. 6:30 This was hard. I had to add an extra ab mat because I was burnt out and coming down a little too fast. Kip is getting a lot better.

  3. Power and Squat Cleans: 185# and 200#. These felt very light, even being as sore as I am. Maybe I didn't completely max out on my 1RM on sunday, or maybe the programming is designed this way.

    Snatch Balance: 140, 150, 165#. Again, felt really strong. Shoulders felt like they were able to punch the bar up and achieve balance very easily. Only struggled a little bit on the last rep.

    Push Press: Oops, did this wrong. I based the weight off my strict press, not my push press (which I haven't maxed out on). So I used 145#, and it was extremely easy.

    WOD: A- 151 final calories after the 10 minutes on the AirDyne.
    B- 1:06 for 25 strict HSPU
    C- 3:48 for 45 HSPU.
    Shoulders were pretty cooked after the strict HSPU.

    All in all, this new programming seems to allow a lot of rest time. I think just because it's the start of the new cycle, but I feel like I am able to fully recover on just about everything before I start each new rep. Maybe just getting stronger.
