Sunday, April 13, 2014

Tuesday 4/15

Strength 1: Deadlift
A. 1 x 2 @ 80% 
B. Every 90 Seconds for 12 Minutes:  3 reps @ 65%
* The EMOM involves speed sets meaning the bar should move as fast as possible
**Remember the percentages are based on your Max + 30#

WOD: Christine, 3 Rounds for time
500 M Row
12 Bodyweight Deadlifts
21 Box Jumps 20" (both guys and girls)

Gymnastics: MU Progression

Strength 2: Alternating Every 2 Minutes for 24 Minutes (you choose weight)
A. 5-8 Weighted Pull-ups (hold db between legs or use a belt)
B. 8 Bent Over Rows
C. 8 Underhand pull-ups 
D. 8 Good Mornings
*Be strict with your form here, do no sacrifice for more weight


  1. Strength 1: Deadlift
    A. 1 x 2 @ 80% - 375
    B. Every 90 Seconds for 12 Minutes: 3 reps @ 65% -315
    * The EMOM involves speed sets meaning the bar should move as fast as possible
    **Remember the percentages are based on your Max + 30#

    WOD: Christine, 3 Rounds for time
    500 M Row
    12 Bodyweight Deadlifts
    21 Box Jumps 20" (both guys and girls) - 12:35

    Gymnastics: MU Progression

    Strength 2: Alternating Every 2 Minutes for 24 Minutes (you choose weight)
    A. 5-8 Weighted Pull-ups (hold db between legs or use a belt) -35db
    B. 8 Bent Over Rows -155
    C. 8 Underhand pull-ups -35 db
    D. 8 Good Mornings - 115

  2. Strength 1: Deadlift
    A. 1 x 2 @ 80% - 205#
    B. Every 90 Seconds for 12 Minutes: 3 reps @ 65% - 165#

    Strength 2:
    A. 5-8 Weighted Pull-ups - 12# weighted vest - did 7 reps each round
    B. 8 Bent Over Rows - @75# - will add more next time
    C. 8 Underhand pull-ups - didn't do these weighted, were we supposed to?
    D. 8 Good Mornings - @75#

    Comp class WOD - we were working with 2 other girls, couldn't move from one movement to the next until all 3 of us had completed the movement.
    15 C&J @ 85#
    20 HSPU - these were a lot harder than usual
    15 FS @ 125# - sets of 5 - felt heavy today
    7 MUs - did attempts, after doing all those pull-ups, I couldn't get one - So frustrating!!!
    15 DL @ 185# - did these in sets of 5 too - they felt heavy and not sure it was smart for me to do them since I had already done the other DL work.

    They had more, but I had to bail to pick up my kids (common problem on Tues and Thurs). I had a crappy attitude when I left - trying to bring it back around - new day tomorrow.

  3. Strength 1: Deadlift
    A. 385#
    B. 315#
    I was short on time due to crappy traffic, so I kind of rushed these a little bit. The set of 2 wasn't too bad, felt powerful in my legs and hips. I did 5 sets of 3 deadlifts in about a 1-1 1/2 minute splits, still trying to move the bar as fast as possible.

    WOD: I also did the Comp Class WOD later in the evening with 3 other people.
    Part 1:
    15 C&J @ 135#
    20 HSPU
    15 FS @ 185#
    7 MU
    15 DL @ 275#
    We weren't allowed to move on to the next exercise until all members had finished the movement too. I was able to do every movement unbroken, except the MU which I missed the last one (set of 6, then 1). My team was a little slower so I had plenty of rest between movements. I treated each like a sprint and didn't drop the bar.

    Part 2: Split between the 4 of us:
    120 Pullups
    80 C2B
    40 BMU

    2 members of my team didn't have BMU, so did about 20 of those, 20 C2B, and 30 pullups.

  4. Strength 1:
    A. 155#
    B. 135# (I went up a little more than the new % on these) I got all sets done in under 20 seconds. But I am still focused on form first before the speed.

    WOD: I actually did the WOD from yesterday with the airdyne and burpees
    Got 4:38. The burpees were not a problem, my legs just felt really heavy on the airdyne the 2nd and 3rd rounds. First round was under a minute.

    Worked on my false grip while kipping/swinging and also with the "pull through" drill from a squatting position. Ended with the "box hump" drill. My wrists and forearms were shot just from holding the false grip, so I only did five reps of this drill (I have just started doing this, so not good at it yet)

    Strength 2:
    A. Instead of weighted pull-ups, I did C2B. Got 8, 5, 5, 4
    B. 8 bent over rows @ 65#
    C. 8 underhand pull-ups
    D. 8 good mornings @ 65# (could probably do more wt here, but I sat the bar lower on my shoulders because I felt it pull in my low back)
