Monday, June 30, 2014

Wednesday 7/2

a. Clean & Jerk: Build to a Heavy Double 
*Heavy, not max. This means no failed reps. 80-85% of 1 RM

A. Bench: Build to a 3 RM
B. Bench: 3 x 3 at 90% of A.
C. Seated DB Press: 4 x 8

A. Back Squat: 6 x 2 @ 80%

3 Rounds:
5/3 Muscle-ups
10 T2B
15 Box Jumps 24"/20"
20 Deadlifts, Unbroken
3/2 Muscle-ups
*Rest 3 Minutes between Rounds


  1. 6/30 - Well, I meant to do the 6/25 workout, but did this one instead. That's what I get for being behind...

    a. Clean & Jerk: Build to a Heavy Double - worked to 145#, felt really good, but it was a little over 85% of my max, so I stopped there

    A. Bench: Build to a 3 RM - only worked up to 115#, bench is a weak spot for me
    B. Bench: 3 x 3 at 90% of A. - 105#
    C. Seated DB Press: 4 x 8 - 20# DBs for this

    A. Back Squat: 6 x 2 @ 80% - 165# - these felt really easy today. Amazing how much stronger you can feel after a rest day

    3 Rounds:
    5/3 Muscle-ups
    10 T2B
    15 Box Jumps 24"/20"
    20 Deadlifts, Unbroken
    3/2 Muscle-ups
    *Rest 3 Minutes between Rounds

    I did this workout with MUs and didn't time it. I know it took me about 5-6 mins per round, mostly because I was doing MUs about one every 45 seconds, everything else was quick and unbroken. On the third round I subbed 3 Strict PUs and 3 Strict Dips for each MU because I was starting to miss. I also used a really light weight for the DL - 85# because my back has been a little tight lately and it's finally starting to feel close to 100% and I didn't want to mess it up again at the beginning of the week. But, it was fun and I was encouraged to get so many MUs in a WOD, even though they were not fast.

  2. This week has been weird and hard coming back after being off for 10 days, so took Wed off and did this Thurs.

    Lifting: I am just stuck at 110#

    A. Bench: Build to a 3RM - 85#
    B. Bench: 3x3 @ 90% of A - 75#
    C. Seated DB Press: Did the first set with 15#s, but did the remaining 3 sets with 20#s.
    **Bench and push-ups are a major weakness of mine, so I am really liking working on this.

    A. Back Squat: 6x2 @ 80% = 115#
    **I was so sore from Tuesday, that the first two sets were really hard! It is tough getting back in to squatting! :)

    3 Rounds:
    5/3 MU
    10 T2B
    15 Box Jumps 24/20"
    20 DL, unbroken
    3/2 MU
    *Rest 3 mins between rounds

    **I subbed 5 C2B + 5 Ring Dips for 5 MU on the first set of MU, then 3 each for 3 MU the second set in each round.
    I chose 95# for DL.
    I did five step-ups, then 10 rebounding box jumps each round. DLs definitely got tougher each round, especially because I was trying to catch my breath after box jumps.
    T2B are still a slow for me, but I'm working on them.

    1. 4:50
    2. 4:20
    3. 4:16

    *Ended with some PC accessory work (weighted hip thrusts and clam shells)
