Monday, June 30, 2014

Saturday 7/5

A. Box Back Squat: 12 x 2 @ 55%
B. 4 x :90 Chinese Arches

WOD: Starting at the 0:00
Rope Climb
Squat Clean 185#/135#

At the 15:00: 30-20-10
KB Swing 70#/53#

At the 30:00: 10-1 (descending ladder)
Thruster 115#/75#

Friday 7/4

A. Back Squat: 6 x 5 @ 80%
B. Snatch Balance: 5 x 3
C. Bulgarian Split Squat: 4 x 8 (Each Leg- heavier than last week)

Alternating EMOM x 10: 
a. Odd: 18 Wallballs (As fast as possible)
b. Even: 5 MU

For Time: 3 Rounds
15 OHS 135#/95#
30 GHD Sit-ups
45 Hip Extensions

Thursday 7/3

Recovery Day

Wednesday 7/2

a. Clean & Jerk: Build to a Heavy Double 
*Heavy, not max. This means no failed reps. 80-85% of 1 RM

A. Bench: Build to a 3 RM
B. Bench: 3 x 3 at 90% of A.
C. Seated DB Press: 4 x 8

A. Back Squat: 6 x 2 @ 80%

3 Rounds:
5/3 Muscle-ups
10 T2B
15 Box Jumps 24"/20"
20 Deadlifts, Unbroken
3/2 Muscle-ups
*Rest 3 Minutes between Rounds

Tuesday 7/1

Track Workout, Courtesy NC Lab: 

Run Workout Details:  This is a speed endurance workout.  These are controlled sprints between 95-98% max efforts.  Build your intensity.  The 60s should be at 90-92%, the 80s should be at 92-95%, etc.  Stay in control.  Maintain your form.  Recovery should be 2-3min between efforts. 

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Monday 6/30

a. Squat Snatch: Build to a Heavy Double (does not mean 2 RM, drop bar between reps)
b. Hang Squat Snatch: 5 x 2 at 90% of a. 

A. Back Squat: 6 x 4 @ 80%
B. Good Morning: 4 x 8
C. Weighted Hip Extensions: 4 x 15

Gymnastics: 2 x ME Strict HSPU 

For Time:
49 Pull-ups
7 OHS 185#/135#

Friday, June 27, 2014

Sunday 6/29

Rest Day

Saturday 6/28

Lifting: 7 x 1 Power Clean and Jerk at 85-90% 1 RM

A. Box Back Squat: 12 x 2 @ 55%
B. 4 x :60 Chinese Arches

Metcon: 7 Rounds
250m Row
25 GHD Sit-ups
*Scale to 15 GHDSU if you do not do them consistently

Friday 6/27

a. 7 Sets: 1 High Hang + 2 Hang Squat Snatches
b. Split Jerk: 5 x 3 (do not go above 65% of your 1RM, we are looking for speed)

A. Back Squat: 6 x 2 @ 80%
B. OHS: 15-12-9 rest as needed between sets
C. Bulgarian Split Squat: 4 x 8 (Each Leg)

3 Rounds
400 m Run
20 Deadlifts (Unbroken, TnG)
*The goal here is to choose a weight that you can hit unbroken for all 3 rounds. We will be doing similar workouts in the next 2 weeks, so you can be conservative here and then increase as necessary in coming weeks

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Wednesday 6/25

a. Clean: Build to a Heavy Triple

A. Bench: Build to a 5 RM
B. Bench: 3 x 5 at 90% of A.
C. Seated DB Press: 4 x 10

A. Back Squat: 6 x 3 @ 80%

EMOM x 7: 3 Squat Cleans (Heavy, weight can be increased)
-rest 5 Minutes-
EMOM x 7: 2 Squat Cleans (Heavier, try and use same weight on all)

Tuesday 6/24

Track Workout: 
A. 800m Time Trial
B. 10 x 100m, rest as needed between efforts
C. EMOM x 5: 15 Burpees* This is to be AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. We are trying to increase cycle time with this!

Monday 6/23

a. Squat Snatch: Build to a Heavy Triple (drop bar between reps)
b. Every 2 Minutes for 8 Minutes: 3 Squat snatches at 90% of a. 

A. Back Squat: 6 x 2 @ 80%
B. DB OHS: 7 x 5 (each arm)
C. Good Morning: 3 x 12

Gymnastics: 4 x ME Muscle ups (rest 2 Minutes between attempts)

Metcon: Every 2 Minutes for 20 Minutes
30 Seconds ME Airdyne (Calories) + 10 GHD Sit-ups

Sunday 6/22

Rest Day

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Saturday 6/21

a. Squat Snatch (Build to a Heavy Single, not necessarily a max, 3-5 reps at or above 90% of your 1 RM)

50 DU
40 GHD Sit-ups
30 DU
20 GHD Sit-ups
10 MU

Partner 'McGhee': AMRAP 30
5 Deadlift 275#/185#
13 Push-ups
9 Box Jumps 24"/20"
*One partner completes a round, while the other rests

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Friday 6/20

Back Squat: Establish a 1 RM
*Remember this number, and do it before the workout.
**3-5 reps at or above 90%

20 Min AMRAP:
A. Fran: 21-15-9
Thrusters 95#/65#

Immediately into

B. Elizabeth: 21-15-9
Power Cleans 135#/95#
Ring Dips

Immediately into

C. Diane: 21-15-9
Deadlifts 225#/155#

Immediately into

D. 30 Muscle-ups

Thursday 6/19

Active Recovery

Wednesday 6/18

a. Build to a Heavy Squat Clean & Jerk (3-5 reps should be at or above 90%)
b. EMOM x 7: 2 Squat Clean & Jerks at 85% of a.
c. Bench: Build to a 1 RM **(Make sure that 3-5 sets are at or above 90% of your previous 1 RM)

Box Squat: 10 x 2 @ 65% 1 RM Back Squat

WOD: 3 Rounds
15 Cal Row
10 Burpees over the rower

Tuesday 6/17

Track Workout: Yasso Progression
5 x 800m, goal is to maintain same time on all five so do not go out too fast

Monday 6/16

a. Build to a Heavy Squat Snatch
b. EMOM x 7: 2 Squat Snatches at 85% of a.

For Time: 9-6-3
Strict HSPU
Front Squat 195#/140#
Burpee Facing Burpee

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Saturday 6/14

A. Build to a Heavy Squat Clean & Jerk

WOD 1: Lynne, 5 Rounds
Bodyweight Bench Press, Max Reps
Strict Pull-ups, Max Reps
*Rest as needed between rounds

WOD 2: For Time
5 Rope Climbs
10 Strict HSPU
15 Ring Dips
20 Back Extensions
25 GHD Sit-ups
50' HS Walk
25 GHD Sit-ups
20 Back Extensions
15 Ring Dips
10 Strict HSPU
5 Rope Climbs

Friday 6/13

Strength: Deadlift
A. 1 rep @ 100%
**Remember the percentages are based on your Max + 30#

a. 10 x 1 Squat Clean & Jerk
b. EMOM x 5: 1 High Hang Squat Snatch + 4 OHS 

Box Squat: 10 x 2 @ 60% 1 RM Back Squat

10 OHS 135#/95#
10 Pushups

-rest 2 Minutes-

15 OHS 115#/75#
30 DU

Thursday 6/12

Recovery Day: Do something fun

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Wednesday 6/11

a. EMOM x 10: 1 Squat Snatch
b. 5 Sets: 1 High Hang Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean
c. 5 x 2 Snatch Grip Push Press

For Time: 3 Rounds
10 Front Squats 185#/135#
20 C2B
50 DU

Tuesday 6/10

Track Workout:
Run 1600 m
Rest 3 minutes
Run 1200 m
Rest 2 minutes
Run 800 m
Rest 1 minute
Run 400 m

Monday 6/9

a. 5 Sets: 1 High Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch
b. EMOM x 5: 2 Clean and Jerks
c. Good Morning: Build to a Heavy Triple

Gymnastics, EMOM x 7: 5 MU/ MU Progression work

Rotating EMOM x 18
a. 6 Back Squats (you choose weight, should be challenging with good positioning)
b. 15 Cal Airdyne
c. 10 T2B

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Saturday 6/7

A. Build to a Heavy Squat Snatch

WOD: With a Running Clock

At 0:00: For Time
100 Double Unders 
50 KB Swings 53/35
25 Thrusters 95/65

At 15:00: 2 Rounds for Time
10 Front Squats 205/145 (no rack)
10 Burpee Muscle Ups

At 30:00: For Time
30 Power Snatch 95/65

Friday 6/6

Strength: Deadlift
A. 1 rep @ 97.5% 
**Remember the percentages are based on your Max + 30#

a. 5 sets: 2 Snatch Pulls + 1 Hang Squat Snatch (bar starts below knee)
b. EMOM x 10: 1 Squat Clean & Jerk

WOD: For Time

100 DU

9-6-3: Deadlift 315#/205#
*25 GHD Sit-ups after each round

100 DU

Thursday 6/5

Active Recovery

Wednesday 6/4

a. EMOM x 5: 1 Clean Pull + 1 Hang Squat Clean (below knee)
b. Bench: Build to a Heavy 4 RM

Box Squat: 10 x 2 @ 55% 1 RM Back Squat
*Set-up the Box so that your hip crease is just below the top of your knee while on the box. Stay tight at the bottom, do not relax. Quick Tutorial

Gymnastics: 7 x 7 C2B, 1 Minute rest between efforts

WOD: 4 Rounds
20 Cal AD
15 Box Jump Overs 24"/20"
10 Ring Dips
*3:1 Rest:Work between rounds

Tuesday 6/3

NCCF Lab Run Workout:

15min easy run (65-75% perceived exertion) with 1min rest

10min easy run with 1min rest

5min easy run with 3min rest

8×10 hill sprints with full recovery between efforts (2-3min)

Run Workout Details:  The primary focus of this workout is hill sprints.  The 30min of easy pace running will fatigue your slow twitch muscle fibers.  The hill sprints will force the recruitment of your fast twitch muscle fibers.   CrossFit athletes must learn to maximize their recruitment of both fast and slow twitch muscle fibers.  The hill sprints need to be performed on a steep hill (at least 10% grate and a perceived exertion of 95-98%.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Monday 6/2

a. EMOM x 10: 1 Squat Snatch
b. 5 sets: 2 Clean Pull + 1 Hang Squat Clean (bar starts right below knee)

a. Heavy Triple
b. Backoff sets: 4 x 3 (perform all 4 sets at the same weight)

WOD: 3 Rounds 
15 Thrusters 100#/70#
15 C2B