Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Friday 6/6

Strength: Deadlift
A. 1 rep @ 97.5% 
**Remember the percentages are based on your Max + 30#

a. 5 sets: 2 Snatch Pulls + 1 Hang Squat Snatch (bar starts below knee)
b. EMOM x 10: 1 Squat Clean & Jerk

WOD: For Time

100 DU

9-6-3: Deadlift 315#/205#
*25 GHD Sit-ups after each round

100 DU


  1. Strength: Deadlift
    A. 1 rep @ 97.5% = 190#...This is 25# over my old max, so I didn't get it. I DID, however, get 180# which is another new PR for me since beginning this Deadlift challenge. (When we started, my max was 165#) :)

    a. 5 sets: 2 snatch pulls + 1 hang squat clean...(I hurt my shoulder, so did 2 snatch pulls + 1 hang snatch pull, all 5 sets at 85# and my shoulder was ok with that.)

    b. EMOM x 10: 1 squat clean & jerk...(I dropped the jerk bc of my shoulder).
    Did one set at 85#, three at 90#, three at 95#, & three at 100#. The clean felt fine, but it started to hurt when I dropped my shoulder from the front rack to release the bar.

    WOD: For time
    100 DU

    9-6-3: Deadlift (I had to scale to 160#, but 165# was my max just two weeks ago)
    *25 GHD sit-ups between each round

    100 DU
    19:08...my double unders are getting better, but still slowed me down on the first set of them. The deadlift were hard and very slow going. Could only do about two at a time, then needed to rest. GHD sit-up were done on a tire, since we don't have a true GHD, those were really easy so I think my core is getting stronger, too.
    I really enjoyed this workout.

  2. Did this workout on 6/9, after a track workout on 6/8

    Strength: Deadlift
    A. 1 rep @ 97.5% - This should have been almost 250#, but I couldn't get the 240# the week before, so I tried that, missed that again - I was only able to get up to 230# (got 235# a couple of weeks ago). DLs continue to be VERY frustrating for me. I almost had the 235#, so I think maybe the track workout fatigued me more than I thought because I had previously been trying to do DL work after a rest day.

    Lifting - I skipped the lifting because I had Oly class after

    WOD: For Time
    100 DU
    9-6-3: Deadlift 315#/205#
    *25 GHD Sit-ups after each round
    100 DU

    12:41 - I was happy to be able to do so many reps at 205# - each round I broke the DLs into sets of 3. My DUs were a little slow, I can get 50-60 reps pretty consistently to start, but after I hit those, I am down to sets of about 20. Definitely something to keep working on. The GHD situps weren't horrible, but the combination of heavy DLs and GHD situps was not awesome for my back.

    Here's what I did in Oly class:
    3-3-2-2-1-1 Tempo OHS (5 sec down, 5 sec hold in bottom, up regular speed)
    I started at 85# and worked up to 140#

    4-6 sets of snatch pull, power snatch, OHS at moderate weight - we used 85# for 6
