Sunday, June 8, 2014

Tuesday 6/10

Track Workout:
Run 1600 m
Rest 3 minutes
Run 1200 m
Rest 2 minutes
Run 800 m
Rest 1 minute
Run 400 m


  1. **Did this Wednesday

    1600m - 8:27

    1200m - 7:01

    800m - 4:37

    400m - 2:11

    I know these times are terrible...the workout felt terrible, too. This is the worst workout I've had in quite a while. I felt like I couldn't hold good running form, breathe well or find a pace. I am definitely tight and sore everywhere and my legs felt heavy. I just didn't feel as "fresh" doing the track workout on Wed as when I do it on Mon or even Tues. Lesson learned from messing with the schedule too much. Hopefully next week's track session is better! :)

  2. Jen Clark
    I am back, just need to take it easy getting back into the lifting.
    Did Monday's WOD

    A. EMOM x 10 1 Squat snatch-Only did 75#, want to ease back in to make sure lower back is 100% healed. Felt great!!!
    B. 5 Sets: 1 High hang squat clean plus 1 hang clean, did 95# felt great.
    Did not do C.

    For time 3 rds-wow, I can tell I have not lifted in a month. I have done a ton of cardio.
    I did 105# for the front squats

    Felt great to get back into it. I will be slowly getting back, working my way back up to my weights.
