Monday, June 30, 2014

Saturday 7/5

A. Box Back Squat: 12 x 2 @ 55%
B. 4 x :90 Chinese Arches

WOD: Starting at the 0:00
Rope Climb
Squat Clean 185#/135#

At the 15:00: 30-20-10
KB Swing 70#/53#

At the 30:00: 10-1 (descending ladder)
Thruster 115#/75#

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow...this is one of the hardest workouts I've done in a while! It may have had something to do with eating sugar yesterday and not sleeping great, because I just felt tired. It was good, just hard.

    A. Box Squats: 12x2 @ 55% = 80#, but I did these at 85#...still feels too light. I actually really love doing box squats!
    B. 4 x :90 Chinese Arches...I only did :60 each set, but used a 45# plate over my abs/hips. I stopped at 1 min just because I felt my low back start to get really tight.

    WOD: Starting at 0:00
    Rope Climbs
    Squat Cleans (Scaled to 85# because my back is so tight)
    **I have never gotten all the way to the top of a rope climb before, but got TWO today. I was really happy with that. I tried to climb for all the reps, but only got 2-3 foot holds up. I discovered I am kind of scared at the top of the rope, so that will be something to work on getting over. I ripped up my hands pretty good just coming down, too. BUT, Progress is progress, right? Baby steps forward!!!

    At 15:00: 30-20-10...I adjusted this to 5 rounds of 10 reps each, again because of my low back on KB swings at 53# and I knew I probably couldn't do that many HSPU. It took me a while, got done just after 28 mins.

    At 30:00: 10-1 descending ladder...I scaled thrusters to 65# and did C2B. I only got through my five reps of thrusters (assuming we were to stop at 45:00). I did my thrusters unbroken which I was pleased with. C2Bs slowed me down because I end up doing singles fairly quickly. I'm just thrilled to be able to do them!
