a. EMOM x 5: 1 Clean Pull + 1 Hang Squat Clean (below knee)
b. Bench: Build to a Heavy 4 RM
Box Squat: 10 x 2 @ 55% 1 RM Back Squat
*Set-up the Box so that your hip crease is just below the top of your knee while on the box. Stay tight at the bottom, do not relax. Quick Tutorial
Gymnastics: 7 x 7 C2B, 1 Minute rest between efforts
WOD: 4 Rounds
20 Cal AD
15 Box Jump Overs 24"/20"
10 Ring Dips
*3:1 Rest:Work between rounds
ReplyDeletea. EMOM x 5: This felt a little rough today because I had just done it Tuesday, but started heavier and ended heavier than Tuesday. Went 85# - 100#, wore a belt because my back felt tired.
b. Bench: Build to heavy 4 RM: only got to 80#...chest and shoulders and definitely a weakness!
Squats: Box Squats: 10 x 2 @ 55% = 85#
I actually LOVED these. I only gave myself about 20-30 secs between racking the bar and picking it up again. Keeping the weight light & going slow feeling for the box helped me really focus on keeping my backside engaged instead of drifting forward and redistributing the weight to the front of my legs. (We didn't have a small enough box, so I stacked 3 45# plates and a 35# for my "box")
Gymnastics: 7x7 C2B, 1 min rest between sets
I did 7x5 to save a little time and not completely over-do it. For not doing these regularly for a while, I was pleased that I still had them!
WOD: 4 rounds
20 cal AD
15 Box jump overs (20")
10 ring dips
Rest 3:1
I got to do this with Jordan and it was actually a lot of fun. He def helped push me! The box jumps were HARD after pushing it on the AD. I also had to use a light band for the ring dips, I just don't have those yet (can't figure out the kip for them, either). BUT, I pushed myself to do the ring dips unbroken rounds 2-4. We each improved every round, which was awesome.
1. 2:34
2. 2:19
3. 2:16
4. 2:11
About an hour after this workout, I ran a hard mile and did some accessory work.