Monday, June 30, 2014

Tuesday 7/1

Track Workout, Courtesy NC Lab: 

Run Workout Details:  This is a speed endurance workout.  These are controlled sprints between 95-98% max efforts.  Build your intensity.  The 60s should be at 90-92%, the 80s should be at 92-95%, etc.  Stay in control.  Maintain your form.  Recovery should be 2-3min between efforts. 

1 comment:

  1. This was a good workout for me this least it felt ok, not sure how good my times are.
    2 x 60: 1) 11.2 2) 10.3
    2 x 80: 1) 14.8 2) 13.4
    1 x 100: 21.4
    1 x 150: 28.9
    1 x 200: 50.2
    **Didn't have a partner, so was unable to do the band sprints, but they look good, so I am going to try and do them another day!

    Also did: 10 RFT
    200m run
    10 Wall Balls 14#
    10 Box Jumps 20#
    I really wanted around 23 mins, but was pretty tired from the track workout.
