a. Squat Snatch: Build to a Heavy Triple (drop bar between reps)
b. Every 2 Minutes for 8 Minutes: 3 Squat snatches at 90% of a.
A. Back Squat: 6 x 2 @ 80%
B. DB OHS: 7 x 5 (each arm)
C. Good Morning: 3 x 12
Gymnastics: 4 x ME Muscle ups (rest 2 Minutes between attempts)
Metcon: Every 2 Minutes for 20 Minutes
30 Seconds ME Airdyne (Calories) + 10 GHD Sit-ups
Finally home from a 10 day trip, didn't make it to a gym once. I was only able to run four of those days. I feel miserable from sitting in the car so much, especially my back and knees. My shoulder still is not 100%, either, so I am trying to really ease back into it this week. Hopefully I will bounce back quickly.
I just worked on some snatch balance and light weight power snatches. My body just wasn't ready to do heavy squat snatches.
A. Back Squat: 6x2 @ 80% (115#) These felt ok, knees were sore and I felt like I didn't have any bounce out of the bottom.
B. DB OHS: 7x5 - I wasn't sure how to do these, so I did BB OHS @ 55# 3x10
C. Good Mornings: 3x12 - Did these at 65# and they felt heavy for my back.
Gymnastics - (I skipped because of my shoulder.)
Metcon: Every 2 mins for 20 mins 30 sec AD + 10 GHD situps
Holy cow, this got hard at the end! The GHDs look so innocent until you have to get back on the AD! haha I started out at 17 & 16 cals for the first four rounds, then fell to 15 & 14 the next three rounds, then plummeted to only 10 cals the last three rounds. My legs seriously felt like they just did not want to work anymore. It was rough!
A. Squat Snatch- 90#
ReplyDeleteB. Every 2 min for 8 min 3 squat snatches at 90%= 70#
These felt great!!
A. Back Squats- 6x2 @80%= 165#
B. GM- 2x12 did 65# should have done more
Skipped the DB squats, was running out of time
This was rough!! Definitely a leg burner. I do not recall how many calories I had burned on average.
I did this on Saturday, and just the squat work - it was after a long week of high volume.
A. Back Squat: 6 x 2 @ 80% - 165#
B. DB OHS: 7 x 5 (each arm) - I read this as a one-arm db squat for a total of 14 sets (7 sets R, 7 sets L). I picked a lighter weight so I could make sure I wasn't getting sloppy, but was still challenged - this was more about shoulder position/strength than squat strength for me. I used a 20# DB.
C. Good Morning: 3 x 12 - I used 65# for this and maybe could have done 75#, but not much more for 12 reps.