Sunday, February 9, 2014


**Hey guys, thanks for continuing to post to the comments. One thing I just want to address quickly is that I see some negativity in some of your posts. I completely understand how some results can be disappointing at times or how frustrating it can be if there is something you struggle with. However, I don't want you to include any negative comments about yourself. I think this is extremely important for building confidence. Remind yourself that this is a process, success and improvement do not always happen overnight. By including such negativity you will start creating or reinforcing self doubt and when you approach a workout, or anything in life, with a negative attitude or expectation the outcome will not meet your goals.

Just remember, your attitude and approach are going to play a large part in determining success. By trying to see the good in everything and removing doubt or negativity, I think you will be more at ease.

Finally, here are some words from Aja Barto, CrossFit Games competitor, I think are great reminders of perspective: "The most successful people in our time are consistent. That means they are performing more times than not and that also means at times, their performance is shit. Do you think those rare instances keep them down? Nope. They instantaneously forget and move on. How they respond to failure is the catalyst to their future successes. It is how you respond to those days that you are "the bug" that will affect your current mood, attitude, mindset and even future performances.

Remember that your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions and your actions become your habit."

EMOM: Power Snatches
Minutes 1-3: 4 Touch-and-Go Power Snatches
Minutes 4-6: 3 Touch-and Go Power Snatches
Minutes 7-9: 2 Touch-and-Go Power Snatches
Minutes 10-12: 1 Power Snatch
*Goal is to progressively add weight, working towards a max Power Snatch 

WOD 1: 'Annie' 50-40-30-20-10

WOD 2: 5 Rounds
6 Burpees
9 Box Jumps 24"/20"
12 T2B
*Rest 90 Seconds between Rounds (Treat each round as a sprint!)


  1. EMOM:
    mins 1,2,3: 60#
    mins 4,5,6: 65#
    mins 7,8,9: 70#
    mins 10,11,12: got 75# TWICE and attempted 80#...very close to getting 80#.
    **75# was a new PR for me today!
    LIZ, it was the band work...Thanks for showing it to me! : )

    Annie: 13:16
    (Had to do a lot of the DUs with a single in between.)

    WOD 2: Total time 14:45
    Burpees and box jumps I flew through. My hands getting raw are still an issue on the bar, so t2b were the slowest part for me.

  2. Awesome, Missy!! So excited for you :).

    Went in early to Ken Caryl to do the Snatch EMOM.
    mins 1-3: 65#
    mins 4-6: 75#
    mins 7-9: 85#
    mins 10-12: 95# - These felt better than 95# power snatch usually does, I was working on some changes to my form, so it was great to start lighter and build like that. Pretty happy since 95# was my PR for squat snatch this summer and now I feel solid power snatching that. It wasn't a max for me, but pretty heavy.

    Had about an hour between to rest, then went into BCCF for the comp WOD

    Built to a heavy OHS - I worked up to 125# x 3 - felt good at this weight, really solid on the push press behind the head to get the weight up there too, which is good progress for me.

    WOD: Pretty close to Saturday's WOD

    In pairs, do
    60 DLs (105# for women)
    50 hang cleans
    40 front squats
    30 Jerks
    20 Thrusters

    EMOM 4 burpees each

    14 min time cap

    My partner and I got through 5 of the Thrusters in 14 mins. I did about 5-7 reps for her 3 on the cleans, I also did more of the front squats, but she saved me on the Jerks, so it worked well.

    Then the 6 min work:
    1 min box step-ups (30 secs Right Leg, 30 secs Left Leg), 1 min rest for 6 rounds *we ended up doing two rounds of box jump, step downs.
    min 1 - 34 total
    min 2 - 36 total
    min 3 - 34 total
    min 4 - 29 (jumps)
    min 5 - 35 total
    min 5 - 29 (jumps)

    It was fun - feeling good about training right now :). Thanks for the reminder about staying positive, will work on that.

  3. EMOM: Power Snatches
    Min 1-3= 75#
    Min 4-6= 85#
    Min 7-9= 95#
    Min 10-12= 100#
    These felt pretty good.

    WOD 1: Annie
    finished at 7:40. All DU's were unbroken except for the first 50, did 10 and then 40.

    WOD 2: finished at 12:30, my T2B were a little rough. Hands are not in the best shape. But am definitely getting stronger with them.
