Sunday, February 2, 2014


1. EMOM for 5 Minutes: 2-4 Muscle-ups or muscle-up transitions
2. 30 Strict Pull-ups for time (C2B or Chin-over)

EMOM for 7 Minutes: 1 Squat Clean + 2 Front Squats + 1 Jerk

15 T2B
21 Deadlifts 135#/95#


  1. Gymnastics:
    1. Worked MU transitions
    2. 30 strict Pull-ups for time - took me 4:49. I did about 6 per minute. I was trying to give myself enough time between each set so that I wasn't doing singles. Might have been faster if I had just embraced the singles. My strict pull-ups are definitely improving.

    WOD: Got through 8 rounds and 10 T2B. This was more about grip than anything for me. My hands are definitely pretty sore. I broke up T2B into sets of 5 and maintained that the whole time. About half of my DLs were unbroken, the others were 15/6. I found if I held out and went unbroken, my grip was pretty taxed. I did hook grip them, which helped. Overall, I should have gotten at least 9 rounds in. I think if I would have had someone else there to chase, I would have done better. Now that I am used to working out with others, I feel like I need it even more. Excuses, excuses...

  2. Gymnastics:
    1. Since I am nowhere near MUs, Liz had me do two kipping pull-ups and one dip for every 1 MU attempt. I got 2 "reps" of this done in each of the 5 minutes.
    2. I did 30 strict RR with my feet on a box. 2:54

    EMOM: I'm sure these were supposed to all be done at the same weight, but I went up in weight twice with these. I started light because I am scared of getting under the bar for squat cleans. Did the first three rounds at 70# and got them done in 13-15 seconds. Went up to 75# for the next three rounds and got them done between 15-20 seconds. The last round I went up to 80# and got it done in 24 seconds. The front squats were the hardest part of this for me. (My max for them is only 105#)

    WOD: This was another rough WOD for me. I started ripping my hands after just 6 T2B. I tried to just do knees to elbows, but it didn't help. I tried to do singles, and it still kept ripping. So I wasted a lot of time here trying to figure out what to do. After 5 reps in my second round, without knowing what else I should do, I decided to 30 sit ups in place of the t2b. I did the deadlifts at 95#, which was a little heavy for me at 21 reps. They were rough for most of the WOD just because it was hard to hold the bar. I ended up holding the bar by my fingers, so they were really slow going, too. I got through 4 full rounds and through 10 deadlifts of a 5th round. I think I would have gotten through at least 7 rounds if my hands weren't an issue.

    We are supposed to do t2b again on Friday...What do you want me to do instead IF my hands are still torn up? Or should I just tape my hands?

  3. Gymnastics A. MU progression work
    B. 30 strict pullups for time, did these in 4:15

    EMOM for 7 min: Did these at 115#, these felt really good, even the jerks!!

    Completed 7 rounds plus 10 T2B. My hands were killing me, started to rip. So I think I would have finished 8 rounds had I not had such sore hands. The first 15 T2B were unbroken, then I broke them up in 5's. The DL's, I broke up into 11 and 10 if I did not do them unbroken.
