Friday, November 29, 2013


Take as much time as necessary for the Following:
1. Establish a 1RM Snatch
2. Establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk


A. 4 Rounds
4 Back Squats @ 80% 1 RM
Max Effort push-ups
*No rest between BS and PU; Rest 90 seconds between rounds

B. For time:
100 Pull-ups
50 Burpees
25 Power Cleans 165#/115#
12 Front rack lunges (each leg) 165#/115#


  1. Did this today (Sunday) with Patrick.

    1RM Snatch: 10# PR - 115#! Felt good today. Took a different approach than last time, took a couple of warm-up lifts, then went right into 1 rep at 85#, 2 at 95#, then 1 at 105#, 1 at 110# and 1 at 115#, tried once for 120#, but didn't feel good off the pull and decided to let it rest for today.

    1RM Clean and Jerk: 5# PR - 145#, didn't feel as good on these today, and my jerks were not pretty, but I got them done. I've been spending a lot more time on my snatch set-up and haven't spent as much on my clean set-up, will probably be doing that more often in the future.

    A. 4 Back Squats at 145# (felt heavy!) then ME Push-ups - 20, 15, 15, 15

    B. 27:24 - This kicked my ass! The 100 Pull-ups took me about 7 mins, then the HSPUs took another 5 or so mins (sets of 10s and 5s). I did the burpees unbroken, but slow-ish, probably another 3-4 mins. The cleans felt heavy after everything else and took me a bit too (sets of 2). The lunges I broke up into three sets.

  2. 1RM Snatch- 230#. PR up 15#
    1RM Clean and Jerk- 285#, PR up 20#
    WOD- A- 300#, Pushups 30, 15, 18, 13
    B- 28:20. Felt awful, but got it done
