Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday 3/31

WOD: Two Options

A. 14.5 Redo

B. Linda: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
1 1/2 Bodyweight Deadlift
Bodyweight Bench
3/4 Bodyweight Clean

EMOM x 7: 3 Back Squats (no belt)


  1. Wanted to re-do 14.5 but didn't have a judge. So did Linda modified:
    Deadlifts @ 135# (1RM 165#)
    Had to do strict push-ups instead of Bench b/c the class was using the racks
    Cleans @ 95# (1RM 115#)

    I didn't do the EMOM because I just felt really tired this day. I think I'm zapped from the open, being sick and being stressed. Trying to ease my way back into your schedule. I did do some glute accessory work.

  2. I redid 14.5 - got 25 seconds faster - 12:12. And, that's all I had in me on Monday.I

    I redid 4 of the 5 workouts of the Open this year - improved on all but one. So, at least I know for next year...I improve the second time I do a workout, most of the time ;).
