Sunday, March 16, 2014

Wednesday 3/19

WOD: For Time: 
25 Wallballs 20#/14#
15 Burpees-over-bar
15 Power Cleans 135#/95#
25 Wallballs 20#/14#
10 Burpees-over-bar
10 Power Cleans 135#/95#
25 Wallballs 20#/14#
5 Burpees-over-bar
5 Power Cleans 135#/95#
10 MU
***12 Minute Cap***

A. Build to a Heavy Power Clean + Split Jerk
B. EMOM x 10: 3 Power Clean + Jerks @ 70-80% of part A

Gymnastics: EMOM x 10, Unbroken Muscle-up wave
*Start at 1 on the first minute, then 2 on the second, and on
**Only unbroken, when you fail a minute drop back down to 1 and start climbing again for the remaining time


  1. I did this workout Thursday, since I had to take Wed off unexpectedly.
    WOD: only got 107 reps. I feel like I can't breathe since I was sick.

    A. 110#, which was my last PR about a month ago. I was happy to see my strength hasn't suffered as much as my lungs.
    B. EMOM @ 95#

    Ran out of time for gymnastics. I'm going to ask Paul if I can start staying a little late to finish my workout. An hour just isn't enough time for me.

  2. This workout was great prep for 14.4 - I felt like I had a decent idea of how much I needed to rest between the work and attempting a MU and how much to rest between each MU too. Also was good prep for how heavy 95# might feel after the other work.

    I didn't finish before the cap - so 12:00
    First set of WB unbroken, Second set was 21 and 4 (pure mental failure here), last set was 15-10
    First set of Cleans were 8, 7, then 5s on the second set and the last set I did a single and then the final 4. I was surprised how heavy these felt.
    Burpees - these also felt more exhausting than usual - I felt pretty friend by Wednesday last week, I might have been fighting something off, or just the fourth week of the Open.
    MUs - I got 4 - got up on a 5th, but lost the dip - I think I tried to dip out too early, I should have stabilized then pushed up out of it.

    Didn't do any of the rest of the components, I went to gymnastics at Adrenaline instead.
