Sunday, March 9, 2014


WOD: 2 Options

A. 14.2 Redo

B.  3 x 2 Minute Row for Calories with 2 Minutes 'rest' after each Interval
*During 1st 2 Minute rest period: Max Burpees
*During 2nd 2 Minute rest period: Max Thrusters 95#/65#
*During 3rd 2 Minute rest period: Max Shoulder-to-Overhead 95#/65#

EMOM for 7 Minutes: 1 Squat Clean + 2 Front Squats + 1 Jerk (Compare to 2/3/14)

Alternating EMOM x 10:
Even: 10 T2B
Odd: 5 Burpees + 2-4 Muscle-ups or MU transitions

****Monthly Challenges: Hey guys, I know we are in the middle of the Open but this is something I am going to start doing. I think it will be great to accompany the regular work we do and won't be taxing on your body.
The challenge for the remaining 3 weeks of March: Accumulate 100 Strict Pull-ups per week. I think this will be great for helping you be consistent in developing strength and will help you hold yourself accountable. You can break them up however you want, the goal is 100 in the week. I am actually doing this right now too so it would be cool to have a few others on board! I am doing 20/day on the days I workout.
        *If you are really good with strict pull-ups, do Strict C2B!
        *If you cannot do strict pull-ups, your goal is 50 ring rows with your feet on a box the same height as the rings + 50 Pull-up negatives
       *No Kipping

****Also, please keep posting. If you are doing the challenge please include in your posts how many strict pull-ups you completed for that day and how many you have completed for the week total. ****


  1. WOD: A. 14.2 Re-do
    Got 15...5 c2b is HUGE for me, so I am happy with that!

    EMOM 7 minutes:
    I only used 70# without really pushing myself weight wise...trying to ease back into workouts after being sick. It was pretty easy, but the front squats were the hardest part of this for me. Got all 7 sets done within 15 seconds. Also feeling better about dropping under the bar with a squat after working on it with Paul a couple weeks ago.

    Alternating EMOM x 10:
    With pull-ups getting better, t2b seem to be getting a little easier, too. I got through the first three minutes ok, but my grip was just done after 14.2 and working through this EMOM.
    Burpees were easy and I did two pull-ups in place of MUs. Again, just got tired, so only got the first four pull-ups I tried.

    I did some glute work, which I have neglected the past week being sick. I want to do this challenge, but already fell short of reps today because I ran out of time (I'm doing the RR & negatives, got through RR but only 5 negatives). Right now I feel like glute and ham work is a priority for me, so I may not get all 100 reps in each week. I am taking a go at it, though!

  2. 14.2 Redo- I got 142. 2 away from the darn 16's round. I did 134 the first time around, so any improvement is a good one I guess.

  3. 14.2 Redo for me too - got 141 - that's 12 reps better for me. Would have loved to have gotten the last 3 reps to go into the round of 16s, but happy to have any of it, because I thought C2B were a weakness for me.

    We tried to do some of the other work, but my hands were torn up after 14.2 and after one round of T2B and an attempt at a MU, I decided it wasn't necessary to totally trash my hands. So, we did 5 rounds of 10 hip extensions and 10 HSPUs.

    Looking forward to doing some work tomorrow!

    Pull-up challenge - I like it, I'm in!! I started in on it, but only put in 10 today, I'll make it up tomorrow.
