'***We will be doing a Deadlift program every Tuesday for the next 10 weeks. In order to use the correct weight, you take your 1 RM and add 30# to it, then use that weight when calculating percentages. For example, if your 1 RM is 170#, and the prescription calls for 75%, you take 75% of 200# (170#+30#).
*Make sure you do both Strength 1 and 2. Strength 2 is DL accessory work
A. 3 x 2 Squat Clean
B. 2 x 2 Hang Squat Clean (above knee)
C. 3 x 2 Clean High Pull (from the floor pulling to about chest height, once the bar does not get that high don't add more weight; meant to be explosive and fast)
Strength 1: Deadlift
A. 1 x 2 @ 75%
B. Every 90 Seconds for 12 Minutes: 3 reps @ 60%
* The EMOM involves speed sets meaning the bar should move as fast as possible
C. Max Unbroken 275#/185# (while maintaining good form!)
Gymnastics: MU Progression work
Strength 2: Alternating Every 2 Minutes for 24 Minutes (you choose weight)
A. Max Unbroken Strict C2B
B. 8 Bent Over Rows
C. 8 Underhand pull-ups
D. 8 Good Mornings
*Be strict with your form here, do no sacrifice for more weight